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Fall prevention in acute care setting Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


the was to write an integrated review of a fall prevention program in the acute care setting.
this sample is a review as required in the assignment.


An Integrated Review on Fall Prevention in Acute Care Setting
Southern New Hampshire University
Falls make up 15% of injuries and accidents in the hospital setting. In the acute care setting, falls make 2-5% of injuries. Known adverse effects include physical injuries, such as fracture and bruises, head injury leading to altered mental status, among others. The overall impact of falls is fear, panic, and delayed recovery process for the patient. A slow recovery process leads to an extended hospital stay, incurring a more substantial financial burden on the patient and his or her family.
For this reason, fall prevention programs have been set up to reinforces safety, measures within the hospital setting. Fall prevention measures in the hospital include educating the patient on fall prevention, providing safety gear such as skid-free sandals, and modification of the environment like the installation of walkway support. Healthcare institutions with a fall prevention program have reported a reduction in falls incidences, saving money, and improving quality of life for its clients. This retrospective study analyzes results from six peer-reviewed journals to assess the need for a fall prevention program in the acute care setting.
Despite care being patient-centered, most of the research done on fall prevention represents a healthcare provider’s view. Of the six references reviewed, only one is patient-centered. Factors related to fall prevention such as environment, illness, and the existence of a fall prevention program were evaluated in this review. This study was a retrospective study on six peer-reviewed journals on fall prevention in the hospital setting.

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