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Food Marketing and Health (Essay Sample)

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller Salt Sugar Fat, Michael Moss is a leading expert on the food industry, health and wellness, and marketing. Taking audiences on an eye-opening journey deep inside some of the world's biggest and most successful companies, he offers audiences an illuminating and surprising look at the researchers, marketers, strategists, and CEOs who seduce us with their products. Moss brings to life the creative ways food manufacturers use the science of human behavior, biology and marketing. Using humor, case studies, and insight gleaned from investigative reporting that won him a Pulitzer Prize, he shows how companies get consumers to buy, often at the expense of their health. What did you discover from the talk? Summarize the key points that were discussed. • The 1st page should be a summary of the key points addressed by Michael Moss. What did he find during his investigation? • The 2nd-3rd page should address how you can apply this information to your own personal life. source..
Influence of Processed Food on Health Name Institutional Affiliation Influence of Processed Food on Health Introduction Food forms one of the most important commodities in human life since it is required for survival as a basic need. As a result, the need for different types of food and consumer needs in this industry has led to the growth of corporations that mass produce different products. However, with tastes and preferences growing over time, companies have engaged scientists and invested in research and development (R&D) to better meet their markets’ demands (Insel et al., 2018). However, in most cases, it is becoming increasingly evident that such foods are not healthy and have been developed to increase company sales rather than meet the nutritional requirements. Consequently, Michael Moss delved into the world of food corporations to find what is put in foods and the psychology used to induce people into consuming food products when presenting at Hofstra University. Summary of Moss’s Presentation - Salt Sugar Fat Michael Moss became interested in food based on encounters with friends and family over increasing cases of illness caused by the consumption of different processed products. With the rise of incidents involving the development of E. coli in individuals who consumed processed meat, Moss was intrigued to find out the root cause of such issues by investigating food corporations (Hofstra University, 2019). His investigation led to different encounters with research and development (R&D) units of major companies, including Nestle and Kellogg’s, which are some of the leading producers of processed food globally. The amount of scientific research put into developing different foods is staggering. Moss states that “companies such as Dr. Pepper used a renowned mathematician to develop a bliss point for sweetness for the different drinks they produce” (Hofstra University, 2019). This indicates that food corporations know the right amount of sugar to add to products to ensure that their consumers enjoy it the most. Such sugar intake has continued to thrive with the introduction of different types in several grocery products that previously did not have any. For instance, approximately 56 new sugars are currently used in products such as bread and yogurt. Apart from that, salt has also been used in processed foods as a preservative and a cover-up to mask the unpleasant taste of different preservatives. This indicates the level of unwarranted inputs in food products, creating a dependency on the sweet and sour sensations created once consumed. Apart from that, the marketing techniques used by food corporations to induce consumers also play a role in increasing consumption. Moss further discovered the vanishing caloric density, which refers to a set proportion of food that disappears in the mouth when consumed, prompting brain signals to crave and eat more since its calories are perceived to have disappeared (Hofstra University, 2019). Such psychological traits are common in the processed food industry, which has coined specific language and tactics to engage consumers. For instance, grocery stores normally place all sweet and popular products at eye level to engage potential buyers. Therefore, the concerted efforts by food corporations to promote unhealthy food options have been on the rise, leading to increased health conditions such as obesity and heart disease. Application of Information to Personal Life The presentation by Moss offers insight into the strategies different corporations employ to induce consumers to purchase their products. In most cases, these options are filled with elements with little to no nutritional value that create a sense of addiction to processed food. More so, the marketing campaigns have been skewed to focus on minor health issues rather than the long-term effects of their constant intake on consumers’ health. Therefore, Moss’s presentation can be applied in my personal life to improve food choices and take a keen interest in learning more about the ingredients and additives in products that I regularly consume. This will provide an opportunity to make better diet choices by integrating more produce that adds nutritional value to the body instead of satisfying cravings. Acknowledging the negative effects associated with processed foods offers an opportunity to investigate the contents of each package. Notably, there are several artificial sweeteners and preservatives that are present in different types of foods. Paying close attention to these will be important moving forward to gain knowledge on their contents, allowing better interrogation. Salt, sugar, and fat have been identified as the most conspicuous culprits in processed food. As a result, most corporations use combinations of these elements to develop sensations in consumers that drive them not only to continue liking the product but to crave more of them continuously. The use of these elements is deeply rooted in the need to sell more products and boost revenues for these corporations. Therefore, identifying the biased aspects of eh messaging strategies employed will improve decision-making when making choices in various food stores. More so, understanding the goals and objectives of major corporations in their advertising and marketing stunts is also crucial in avoiding bias. Being bombarded with advertisements to consume particular products can be overwhelming for a food consumer. Insel et al. (2018) state that “businesses spend approximately $9.6 billion annually marketing food and beverages, both on television and online...
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