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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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the scope of nursing practices. (Essay Sample)

The scope of nursing practice has been marred by significant concerns within the healthcare sector, mainly revolving around licensure restrictions and payer policies. According to Xue et al. (2016), state licensure limitations impose strict regulations, hindering nurses' full practice authority and forcing them to work under restrictive conditions akin to physicians. This situation is further exacerbated by payer policies, which restrict nurse practitioners (NPs) from working independently. Additionally, the perception that physicians possess more rigorous training compared to NPs raises concerns about the quality of care provided by the latter. Addressing these issues, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) plays a crucial role by preparing nurses for leadership roles in clinical settings, bridging the nursing shortage, and fostering research engagement. However, challenges loom over the nursing workforce supply due to several factors, including the undervaluation of faculty, impending retirements, funding deficiencies, and reduced salaries (Black, 2019). Proposed solutions to mitigate the nursing workforce shortage involve centralizing data management systems for unified global nursing education and treatment data. There's also a need for an educational paradigm shift to standardize educational models and incentivize nurses to pursue higher education degrees to bolster the potential nursing faculty. Additionally, enhancing faculty salaries and rewards is vital in attracting and retaining experienced educators. The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) model has facilitated uniformity in nursing practice, yet inconsistencies persist due to state-level licensing variations. Although the Consensus Model was implemented to standardize transitions into APRN roles and reduce legal barriers, challenges like interstate licensing barriers persist. Assessing my competencies using the AONE tool, I've identified strengths in leadership, particularly in performance and human resource management. My expertise in human resource management stems from completing an orientation program, and I excel in solving problems, which contributes to my performance improvement skills. To enhance my skills further, I aim to develop proficiency in financial management, particularly in forecasting future expenses. source..
NURSING ASSIGNMENT Institution Affiliation Name Date The scope of nursing practice has overtime been clouded by profound concerns in the healthcare sector. According to Xue et al. (2016), these issues include; state practice and licensure that is a major barrier to nursing practice since it tends to disallow full practice authority by offering a strict and decreased scope of training licensure. The other issue is the payer policies that are a result of the restrictive scope of practice. It reduces the NP's aptitude to work independently and forces the NPs to be in a way as physicians practiced hospitals or employees. Finally, physicians have longer and thorough training than NPs who are inadequate and cannot provide quality at the same level as physicians. DNP can impact these issues by preparing nurses for leadership and executive responsibilities in clinical settings, addressing nurses' shortage, and engaging nurses in a research field. This will provide them with the skills to understand and apply evidence-based research in the nursing practice. I believe that there will be an issue with the nursing workforce supply with a little solution in sight. A combination of factors will lead to this situation. They include undervaluing faculty by educational institutions; the current faculty members are nearing retirement age, inadequate funding, and reduced salaries (Black, 2019). However, there are certain measures to be applied to eliminate the problem. The first solution is to centralize data recording management to unite nursing data globally related to education and treatment. The other is initiating an educational paradigm change to standardize educational models that will fit all individuals' needs across the board, encouraging nurses to pursue a higher degree in education to increase the potential of nursing faculty and, finally, enhancing faculty salaries and rewards. APRN has come a long way for many years since it was developed, and more so, it has brought uniformity of nursing practice in matters licensing regulation. However, the variation of licensing in states made the nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, nurse practitioner, and clinical nurse specialist develop a sustainable model of APRN (Sabo et al., 2016). In my view, I feel that the recommendation that they came up with was twofold; there are helpful and hurtful. The implementation of the consensus model is useful because it standardized the changeover for nurses into the roles of APRNs. It also allowed the removal and moderation of state legal barriers that negatively affected the licensing. However, I still trust that it has not done enough sin...
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