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Health of the older adult (Essay Sample)

the paper is about the life expectancy among the elderly. Accessibility and affordability of transport services should be obtainable in each country, to enable the aged to move from one place to another with the most amount of independence when accessing health care. In reducing disparities in health outcomes, there must be a variety of culturally precise works to provide options for the elderly. The aged individuals in a low standard of living should not be discriminated as all people have positive opinions on matters ageing and old age. Regardless of the background, the elderly have opportunities to be included in activities that reduce their loneliness, increase their personal development and increase their outcomes. source..
The health of the Older Adult Name Institution affiliation Date Society today considers the aged as individuals who are above the age of 65 years. This age bracket surpasses the life expectancy of human beings, and therefore these individuals become inactive in matters social, political or economic. Numerous studies have affirmed that the standard of health and contentment that an individual undergoes will be linked to matters that are the health-oriented Quality of life as well as non-health related Quality of life. Based on Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, (2018) the health-oriented Quality of life is linked to the differences in the functioning of an individual’s body while non-health quality of life will be connected to the environment of the person; for instance, amusement activities, the financial status of the person, the social life and all other things that will affect the person’s behaviour of life. Quality of life is one’s perception of their life status and how their religion and beliefs are relating to their assumptions, aims and their (Karimi & Brazier., 2016). Therefore In respect to this statement, this essay aims at reflecting facts of positive and negative life experiences of the elderly from an inclusive point of view. Quality of life is a broad concept than any standards of living or economic outputs. It integrates diverse aspects that are significant in leaving bond for its material side. Among the aged, Quality of life is one of the most involving things that affects the psychological and physical health of a person, their social life, their traditions and values and more so, their connection to the society. Quality of life among the elderly is primarily concerned on the grounds of health outcomes, availability of healthcare services and prevention from any kind illness. According to the statistical health data of older people in the New Zealand population, the number of aged people who are over 60 years has been rising from twelve per cent in the year 2002. It is predicted to be twenty-seven per cent by the year 2050. The statistics have also speculated that the number of the elderly will be more than the number of individuals aged 15 years, the end of next year, 2021. This report has gathered factors that influence Quality of life among the aged in the country. These factors that affect Quality of life include; transport, socialization, the standard of living and the mental and physical health. Transport has influenced the Quality of life for the aged in various ways. Studies show that the unavailability of urban transport services has reduced the capacity of the elderly to be sociable and have restricted their tasks. This has also been enhanced by the geographical distance between the older adults and their loved one. As a result of being unsocial, the elderly tend to be less demanding or seeking any attention. Therefore, this means that they will have a few visits to the hospitals and may avoid any requests for help (Lee & Sener., 2016). Humans are naturally socializing beings. Socialization is a significant factor in influencing the Quality of life for the aged. As one is ageing, their age is linked to the sense of empathy or links one to a situation that upholds the advantage of adopting a sense of name and well-being. Social support is related to positive health and lifestyle. According to the New Zealand Survey, (2014) socialization is therefore fundamental for the aged because it reduces stress in their lives. The degree of socialization done by any old adult quantifies the Quality of life they are experiencing in their life. The standard of living and housing is another component that influences the Quality of life among the aged for everyday living, staying healthy, managing their loss, their future as well as enduring the way they are. Their surroundings, for instance, friends, family and neighbours may affect the aged positively or negatively. Housing sustenance is an essential need for the aged as it offers physical, social and spiritual help. Study shows that a low standard of living can cause bad experiences in later age (Wright‐St Clair et al., 2017). There is a need to inform old adults on information about works as a result of minimum use and which involves economy advantages in a short time on ageing in a place. Based on Connidis & Barnett (2018) close family relations are also helpful to the aged; the more people are connected to their family members' lives, the more they enjoy their lives. The other factor that influences Quality of life among the aged is mental and physical health. Mental health is a person health approach that helps the person to deal with life challenges and situations, and can effectively undertake personal and communal tasks (Schuch et al., 2016). Study shows that for one to stay healthy, there must be a connection between their mental and physical health and, the way that person is living their life. Active routine tasks and a healthy nutritious diet of an individual can increase their physical state and also enhance their stamina. Thus, there is a correlation between mental and physical health and the Quality of life of the aged. Quality of life for older adults is determined by the functioning and its organization. It is significant to determine experiences from an all-round perspective when classifying the methods for positive life experiences for older adults. Generally, the aspects which influence Quality of life for the aged, like technology, are enhanced by positive life experiences. Many aged individuals have problems in understanding new technological gadgets and finding government organization in a mobile diary. They are incapable of name identification that does not correlate to their purpose (Connidis & Barnett., 2018). Technological advancement is hard for the aged to access, as not all people know how to use it. Therefore at homes, the computer should be easily accessible as well as maintaining silene in personal from other rooms (Hill, Betts & Gardner., 2015). Volunteering in any group is another positive life experience (Dury et al., 2015). Some volunteering working-aged individuals usually prioritize in providing help to other members, for instance, in First Aid services, leisure and academic activities and engaging in community-based activities. By volunteering, they end up gaining a positive life experience that enhances their lives. Another positive life experience is social interaction, which is mostly influenced by family flexibility and personality differences. Social interaction develops a good feeling that is as a result of the emotional connection between i...
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