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Global Health Now #3: Disease & Global Health (Essay Sample)

Global Health Now #3: Disease & Global Health Saeed Kamali Dehghan's article in the Guardian news reports that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) kill an individual under 70 every two seconds, according to World Health Organization (WHO). The author emphasizes the sad reality that a person under 70 dies of NCDs every two seconds. Most of these events, Dehghan continues, happen in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), based on a new report by WHO (Dehghan, 2022). The article points out that the WHO survey on 21st September 2022 at the United Nations general assembly in New York reported that LMICs represent 86% of these untimely deaths. The report said that most of these premature deaths could be delayed or avoided if individuals had access to care, prevention, and treatment (Dehghan, 2022). Therefore, NCDs pose part of the century's greatest development and health problems, but they are underfunded and overlooked, based on the report named "Invisible Number" source..
Global Health Now #3: Disease & Global Health Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Professor’s Name Date Global Health Now #3: Disease & Global Health Saeed Kamali Dehghan's article in the Guardian news reports that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) kill an individual under 70 every two seconds, according to World Health Organization (WHO). The author emphasizes the sad reality that a person under 70 dies of NCDs every two seconds. Most of these events, Dehghan continues, happen in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), based on a new report by WHO (Dehghan, 2022). The article points out that the WHO survey on 21st September 2022 at the United Nations general assembly in New York reported that LMICs represent 86% of these untimely deaths. The report said that most of these premature deaths could be delayed or avoided if individuals had access to care, prevention, and treatment (Dehghan, 2022). Therefore, NCDs pose part of the century's greatest development and health problems, but they are underfunded and overlooked, based on the report named "Invisible Numbers." Dehghan explains further that a few nations remain on course to achieve global development objectives to bring down untimely deaths from NCDs by one-third by 2030, exhibiting that the universe is failing to be cautious of the true magnitude of these illnesses, which result in roughly 41 million deaths annually, or 74% of all global deaths (Dehghan, 2022). The author enlightens that a minimum of 17 million individuals' lives end untimely before the age of 70 annually owing to NCDs. Examples of NCDs include but are not limited to cancer, respiratory disease, heart disease, and diabetes. The article also points out that available data evokes facts. The report (which is to be issued at the United Nations for the first heads of state group aimed at the prevention of NCDs, chaired by Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana's head of state), for instance, states that the issue concerning NCDs is that the universe fails to look at glaring facts expressed by the data. According to the report, the news article explains that even though individuals instinctively perceive why NCDs means a lot to families and individuals, such a perception of individual health repercussions has not deciphered into sufficient action, either globally or nationally. Dehghan establishes that this inaction is partly because of a failure to comprehend the magnitude of NCDs' toll on economics, health, and equity (Dehghan, 2022). For instance, cardiovascular illnesses (stroke and heart disease) claim more lives than any other illness, accounting for one in three deaths yearly or approximately 18 million ...
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