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Handling People with Substance Use Disorder (Essay Sample)

Stigma and lack of trust between the health professional and clients affect the treatment and recovery of people with substance use disorder. Sometimes the client might be hostile or even violent due to the effects of using substances making it difficult to follow and achieve the NASAC Standards. Therefore it is important to approach the client with care and compassion, developing an empathic relationship that will enable them to open up, understand the effects of the disorder in their life, successfully engage them in treatment and the recovery process and reinforce positive behaviors. source..
Handling People with Substance Disorder Author Affiliation Course Instructor Due Date Empathetic Relationship Stigma and lack of trust between the health professional and clients affect treatment and recovery of people with substance disorder.. Sometimes the client might be hostile or even violent due to the effects of the substances making it difficult to follow and achieve the NASAC Standards. Therefore it is important to approach the client with care and compassion, developing an empathic relationship that will enable them to open up, understand the effects of the disorder in their life, successfully engage them in treatment and the recovery process and reinforce positive behaviors. As the Bible says in Matthew 7:12, professionals should put themselves in the client's shoes and treat them how they wish to be treated. It calls on the health professional to show that they comprehend and are part of the client's plight throughout the treatment and recovery journey. Challenging Negative Behaviors and Thoughts Challenging behaviors and thoughts that do not promote recovery require the right attitude, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. According to the Bible in Ephesians 4:32, Christians are encouraged to be compassionate and forgiving with one another, just as Christ was.. Instead of getting angry, the professional should kindly explain to the client how these behaviors will likely worsen their situation and affect their treatment, recovery, and life. Above all, the professionals should be ready to forgive and encourage the client whenever they show negative behaviors and thoughts. Communicating The best way to provide clients information about substance use disorder and treatment is by focusing on the person instead of their health condition. It should be a client-first language where the health professional a...
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