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HIPAA law (Essay Sample)

DQ 6.1: The Security Rule imposes significant and costly restrictions on covered entities and business associates in order to maintain the security of electronic protected health information. At the same time, individuals reveal their health information to many entities that are not regulated under HIPAA. Phone apps are available to monitor diet, exercise and even medical conditions, such as diabetes. Individuals enter significant information into these phone apps. A growing number of people are using wearable fitness devices, such as Fitbits, which measure their activity levels. And, in addition, individuals reveal their health information through Internet searches and on social networks such as patientslikeme.comLinks to an external site.. Are the burdens and costs imposed on covered entities and business associates justified when significant amounts of personal electronic health information are voluntarily revealed by individuals to entities who are not obligated under HIPAA to maintain the security of the information? DQ 6.2: Mobile devices generate distinctive challenges to maintaining the security of electronic protected health information. Physicians and nurses use smartphones, computer tablets and other mobile devices in their day-to-day medial practice. Many of these devices have mobile apps that allow its user to access, review, analyze and sometimes amend and advise on patient health. Do the advantages of using these devices outweigh the security risks and costs of preventing unauthorized access and security breaches? Before formulating your answers you may want to run a quick Internet search on the ways that mobile devices are integrated into medical practice and the challenges they create. source..
HIPAA Law Discussion Post Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Date HIPAA Law Discussion Post DQ 6.1 In an era dominated by digital health technologies, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule is pivotal in regulating the security of electronic protected health information (ePHI). The HIPAA imposes burdens and costs on the covered and business associates (Mueller, 2022). The voluntary disclosure of health information to unregulated entities like phone applications, social networks, and wearable devices raises questions concerning the justification of the requirements. The HIPAA security rule established to protect the ePHI requires comprehensive measures that may include the implementation of administrative and technical safeguards that ensure electronic health information's confidentiality, integrity, and safety. Compliance with the regulation involves substantial financial investments and resources that ensure the availability of electronic data. Healthcare organizations must ensure a secure IT infrastructure is deployed and implement various security protocols that help protect patients' health information (Duggineni, 2023).  Various digital channels are involved in transferring and sharing vast amounts of data. The sharing occurs through health monitoring apps, wearable devices, and the involvement of individuals in health-related online communities. Critiques argue that the security rule's burden seems disproportionate when sharing personal health data is unregulated. The exposure of the digital health system to non-HIPAA regulated entities raises questions concerning whether the stringent security measures imposed are significant in safeguarding ePHI. However, the covered entities and business associates under the HIPAA are expected to protect their health information and are considered responsible for any breaches. The regulated and unregulated entities fail to acknowledge the critical distinction between informed consent and unintentional exposure—the legal obligations to protect health information and accountability for any breaches. When individuals share information through non-HIPAA-regulated devices, they have limited comprehension of the potential risks. For instance, the information shared on a seemingly innocuous health application can be included with other datasets, thus leading to unintended privacy violations. There is a need for a standardized comprehensive approach to safeguarding ePHI, especially in an interconnected digital health ecosystem. An equilibrium should be achieved in regulatory oversight to ensure the benefits of digital health innovation outmatch the potential risks.  DQ 6.2  The integration of mobile devices into medical practice has improved the delivery of healthcare services. They have enhanced flexibility and efficiency among healthcare providers. The use of electronic devices is associated with both advantages and security risks. Sahija (2022) mentions that mobile device integration has enhanced mobility and flexibility among healthcare professionals accessing patients' data. The mobile applications on the devices facilitate instant communication among the healthcare team, allowing quick collaboration and information exchange. Mobile applications provide decision support tools to help clinicians make informed decisions at the point of care and provide immediate access to critical information, more accurate diagnoses, and personalized treatment. Mobile devices facilitate patient engagement, allowing them to monitor their health status, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers.  However, mobile applications are linked to data breach concerns since they may be easily lost or stolen, which may risk data breaches. The data breaches have severe consequences, including damage to healthcare providers' reputations and compromised patients' confidentiality (Almaghrabi, & Bugis, 2022). There needs to ...
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