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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) in A Health Facility (Essay Sample)

the task was about implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) IN a local healthcare facility. The task required various measures to ensure that the implemented electronic health record works effectively. The task required a step by step explanation on various approaches that can be used to ensure all the stakeholders in a healthcare facility are aware about the new implemented system. This is to avoid it being implemented and not used effectively. source..
EHR Implementation Student’s name Institution Course Tutor Date EHR implementation Technology has greatly impacted various fields, including the medical industry. Thus, the medical industry must adopt technology to enhance patient care and maximize efficiency. Not all technologies are applicable in all industries (Fennelly et al., 2020). The medical industry has gained widespread use of electronic health record systems, which have increased the accessibility of patients' health information. However, the technology will only be effective when implemented and used appropriately. As a CIO, I noticed that EHR is not used effectively, thus not being effective. The following report will argue the reasons for the failure of EHR not being effectively used. There are various stages of implementing the EHR system. All this will need to ensure that all the stakeholders know how the system works. Thus, there is a need for severe training in a certain system before it is rolled out. In this case, there was a lack of engaging the users during the implementation stage. This inhibited its use in the medical industry since many individuals do not know how the EHR works. To ensure that there is more involvement of the users in the medical industry, there will be a need to make sure there is an increase in interaction with the technology (Reegu e al., 2022). For this to function effectively, there is a need to make sure that all the stakeholders are aware of how the EHR works. This will only be possible by ensuring sufficient information from the employees. The interviews and questionnaires will be distributed among the employees to provide more information on the specific features of the technology that they are not familiar with. These surveys will help the main stakeholders identify where there is an issue that is hindering them from working effectively. After gathering more information on why the EHR is not used effectively, there will be a need to make sure all the issues raised during the survey are addressed accordingly. This will only be possible through offering training to all the stakeholders, such as clinicians, administrators, and other employees (Pai et al., 2021). This training program would be scheduled into groups where the main stakeholders will commence the training, which will take place in stages. The first group to be taught would be the clinicians playing a key role in EHR. All the issues raised during the interview and survey will also be addressed, beginning with the most basic and continuing with the most complex ones. For change to be felt in the medical field concerning the above subject, I would use my merger acquisition skills to merge various departments while training to ensure effective system management and a comprehensive understanding of the technology. I would also work with the financial departments to ensure I do not paralyze the organization's operations. Communication is also another skill that I possess. Thus, I...
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