Health Care Management and Types of LeadershipHealth Care Management (Essay Sample)
Health Care Management
Institutional Affiliation
Health Care Management
In health care, it is essential to consider the relationship with the people one is leading. The method helps a manager to influence the coworkers in working towards the vision. In many instances, a leader should be ready to be at the forefront to show their followers what is supposed to be done. A workforce should always be motivated to perform beyond their contracts. As a health care manager, it is essential to ensure that all the employees understand their roles in the best way possible. Moreover, a positive relationship with employees helps a manager in understand any problems that the workforce might be facing. Therefore, it is crucial as a health care manager to practice a mixture of different leadership styles in order to be useful in performing one's duties.
To improve the capabilities of team members is essential to understand their needs. For a team to be motivated towards achieving its goals, a manager should ensure that all the employees are aware of their duties. Therefore, any gaps that are identified in the process are eliminated so that they do not affect the final delivery of services. Moreover, there is a need to organize refresher cause and on-job training to ensure that the team members keep up with the growing technology needs in the health sector. Also, the employees need to share their work experiences frequently in order to help each other in case of problems.
Moreover, involving the team members in the decision-making process will help to create strong relationships. When employees are involved in deciding on the matters affecting them, they will feel that the management recognizes their efforts. The move will help improve communication in the workplace because the employees will be close to the managers, and they would be free to forward any concerns with the fear of being victimized. Also, the workers will air their grievances with ease because there is no curtain between them and the manager. Hence, it is vital for managers to be close to their employees in order to promote effective communication channels that will improve their work experience.
Promoting teamwork and responsibility in the team will help deliver the set objectiv
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