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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Information Systems Integrated Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay (Essay Sample)


This task looks at the management of information in healthcare facilities and gives a picture of the kind of information technology avenues that have been embraced in this sector. It also focuses on the complexity that accompanies the integration of health information technology.


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In the current electronic environment, it has been quite a dilemma to define information ownership. Nonetheless, the fundamental role of the health information has for a long time been inherent in the health information management. This is because it helps in safeguarding the commitment and interest of an individual’s medical records. In addition, it also helps in maintaining the privacy and security of patient information. However, with the evolution of the healthcare industry, has resulted in rapid changes in the healthcare information system. This has been observed through regulatory, technological and program design changes. Currently there are a number healthcare information network that are well articulated in the strategic plan in Health information management. The paper discusses the following terms and the relationship between one another. That is community health information network (CHIN), Regional health information organization (RHINO), National health information network (NHIN) and Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act). This will also involve an explanation of their relationship to the development of a patient-centered management system and electronic health records (EHRs).

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