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LDR-462 Decision-Making Reflection Form (Essay Sample)

Instructions LDR-462 Decision-Making Reflection Form The purpose of this assignment is to apply a decision-making strategy to a real-life situation. The proactive professional infuses decision-making strategies in all aspects of life. Among essential leadership characteristics are strong decision-making skills. By examining why a decision is needed, what the possible options may be, the likely consequences of each option, and the significance of the consequences, the proactive professional can determine what the best decision may be in light of the available information. Review the resource “The Decision-Making Process" and then complete and submit the "Decision-Making Reflection Form." source..
LDR-462 Decision-Making Reflection Student Name Instructor Institution Date Decision-Making Reflection Form Name: _________________________________________________________________ My High-stakes situation: The decision to pursue a specialization in nursing, such as becoming a certified nurse-midwife, advanced practice registered nurse, or a nurse practitioner. Introduction: Relevant context of the decision I am a registered nurse who has been in the profession for several years. During this time, I have become passionate about providing the best care possible to my patients; however, I have recently been considering furthering my education and specializing in a particular area of nursing. I am looking at three possibilities: certified nurse-midwife, advanced practice registered nurse, or nurse practitioner. I consider this to be quite a high-stakes decision that requires considerable thought and reflection. To help me make the best choice, I am currently in the process of going through the seven-step decision-making model. Step 1. Identify the problem for the decision The problem I am facing is whether or not to pursue a specialization in a particular area of nursing. This is a large decision that could have a significant impact on my professional career and future. It is important to carefully evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this decision to determine if it is the right choice for me. I must also consider the amount of time and money required for a specialization program, as well as if I have the skills and qualifications necessary to complete it (Moore et al., 2018). I need to decide if specializing in a certain area of nursing is the best option for me. Step 2. Gather relevant information In order for me to make an informed decision about whether to specialize in a particular area of nursing or not, I need to gather the information which is crucial for the decision. This information entails researching the different specialization areas (nursing-midwifery, advanced practice registered nursing, or nursing practitioner) and their requirements, such as the time commitment and academic and practical qualifications required. I also need to investigate the job market to assess the potential salary and career prospects associated with this decision. Again, I need to research the various programs available, their cost, and the support they provide. I will also have to contact other nurses who have pursued a specialization and get their opinions. In addition, I need to reflect on my own goals and aspirations to determine if specializing in a particular area of nursing is the right choice for me (Martin, 2016) Step 3. Identify the alternatives. In terms of my specialty in a particular area of nursing, I have several alternatives. My first selection is to pursue a certified nurse-midwife specialization (Toit, 2011). This would involve taking additional courses and completing clinical training to become a certified nurse-midwife. My second option is to pursue an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) specialization. This comprises taking courses and completing clinical training to become an APRN. My third option is to follow a nurse practitioner specialization. This requires taking courses and completing clinical training to become a nurse practitioner. The last option is that I could decide to pursue none of these specialization options. Step 4. Weigh the evidence to support a decision Based on the evidence, I need to consider the pros and cons of each option. Pursuing a certified nurse-midwife specialization would require additional courses and clinical training, but it could lead to increased job opportunities and higher pay. Secondly, if I plunge into APRN specialization I would also require additional courses and clinical training, but it could lead to better job opportunities and higher pay. Becoming a nurse practitioner on the other end would require more courses and clinical training, but it could also lead to higher pay and more job opportunities. The worst-case scenario is not pursuing any of the specialization options which would could lead to more free time and less financial burden but no reasons to expect any better compensations or any worthy job opportunities (Moore et al., 2018). Step 5. Choose among the alternatives Based on the evidence, I believe that becoming a nurse practitioner is the best option for me as it could lead to higher pay and more job opportunities. This option will provide me with more knowledge and experience, allowing me to provide better care to my patients. I am aware that this will require more courses and clinical training, but I also believe the benefits outweigh the costs. I am confident that this decision will help me further my career and reach my professional goals. I am is also excited to see where this decision will take me in the future. Step 6. Take action Now that I have made the decision to pursue a nurse practitioner specialization, I need to take action. I need to research the different programs available and their requirements to ensure that I find the right one for me. I will also need to crea...
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