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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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My Personal Perception of Nursing (Essay Sample)




Nursing can be described as the collaborative care for individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. It includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and care of the ill, disabled and dying people.
However, it goes beyond the prima facie of what mere definitions offer. It is a calling that offers satisfaction and commands discipline and sacrifice for competency to be achievable. Satisfaction derived from the ability to help a patient and in the process build relationships and bonds as well as being reminded to be grateful of the so many things that we take for granted such as health. The importance of this field of science cannot be underrated. The importance can be captured by both the patient and physician perspective. In that as nurses we have to learn and master how to relate with the patients as we give them as well with physicians as we work together in an integrated team. This fact has been recently emphasized with the front-line fight battle against the COVID-19 pandemic which has illuminated the importance and heavy responsibility the nursing fraternity carries.
My philosophy in nursing is rooted in a commitment to public service and the undeniable desire to help those in need. It is propelled by the satisfaction from providing optimal care to patients and communities. I decided to pursue nursing as a profession driven by my innate nature to care for others. For as long as I can remember I have always been captivated by the profession of nursing. The opportunities to radiate empathy, concern and care to those who need it inspire me to become a nurse. This has molded my nursing philosophy to be characterized by empathetic, holistic and culturally sensitive care to all my patients as well as, positive, honest and authentic interaction with my patient’s relatives.
I also pursued nursing for the multiple career paths it offers. I can provide direct care to my patients or seek specific skills through certification in the area of medicine. Additionally, with continued higher levels of education I can pursue advanced roles and actively play an active role in the policies passed related to the field of nursing and eventfully make the health care community more successful. 
I believe that the core of nursing is based on providing compassion for each patient. I think that this belief should encompass all of nursing as it creates optimal health. Through caring for a patient as a nurse I will illustrate genuine practice hence building a respectable communication relationship with the patient. I will establish a caring relationship between me and my patient by engaging them and communicating with them. This will then promote a bond of trust acting as catalyst for the healing process.
In order to define my personal philosophy for nursing; I will address some of the key concepts of my choice theory which in practicality is a combination of different theories to a sum one that has been fine tuned. Also referred to as, the met-paradigm concept theory.
To begin, nursing theories are organized bodies of knowledge that define action and purpose of action. Nursing theories provide a way to define nursing unique disciplines and distinguishing it from other practices. (Wayne, 2020, p.5)
With focusing on the four meta-paradigms concepts which characterize disciplines of nursing into: person, environment, health, and nursing, I endeavor to be a competent nurse.
I understand that the environment of a patient plays a significant role in his healing. A fact that was first emphasized by Florence Nightingale, a pioneer of the environment theory. I therefore take great attention to configure environmental settings and make them appropriate for the gradual restoration of the patient's health. By utilizing the environment of the patient I am able to assist him in his recovery process. I intend to ensure that the patient is in an environment where they have access to fresh air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness or sanitation and light or direct sunlight. The environment of the patient also includes the room temperature; it is in my understanding that I must ensure that the patient's room is neither too warm nor too cold to the best of my capabilities.
The importance of sleep cannot be underrated in the recovery process, especially the first phase of sleeping. Sleep is vital for maintaining health and healing, and is essential for a quality hospital experience. Growth hormones, responsible for physical repair and renewal, are primarily secreted during sleep. Sleep deprivation has serious impacts on the patient because of these varied negative impacts. With this knowledge I try my ability to ensure that my patients get enough uninterrupted sleep.
I am also prepared and committed to be active and respond during catastrophic events or natural disasters in order to help where there is a need. In addition, build trust with the community and society to be able to rely on the health care services I and my team of professionals provide.
I believe that people should be cared for, respected, understood and assisted. It is also necessary to look beyond the patient to the environment in which he/she lives. To get and know the person beyond the patient, in this way, the patient will not become an object. I want to view each patient as a unique individual. As I treat them I want to be able to understand and care for their needs holistically, meaning emotionally, physically and spiritually. My objective is to be patient-centered, ethical and personal. This also entails respecting the patients’ rights to self-determine the care they wish to receive or not to. The essence of nursing involves seeing patients from an altruistic viewpoint, letting the patients use autonomy and being their advocate during the process of care. (Shaw & Degazon, p.15.2008.)
When giving care to my patients I want to form a therapeutic relationship with not only them, but also their families and loved ones. I want my patient and their families to trust that I am going to do the best to my capabilities for them, and that my honesty is guaranteed. Also ensuring them that my confidentiality is an obligation, I consider with utmost importance.
We often tend to think of health as a person's physical well-being and in order to achieve peak health, that they should be free from injury or disease. None the less optimum health includes much more. Healing can only be complete when the person is treated as a whole and this holistic approach theory is crucial. Therefore, I incorporate evaluating my patients mental and spiritual health just as importantly as their physical evaluation.
I also advocate for routine evaluations. Health is always going and often changing it is therefore important to establish a systematic routine evaluation program with patients. Through these we will be able to impede future illness from occurring. I emphasize that preventing an illness fr

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