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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Nurses’ Intention in the Administration of Opioid Analgesics (Essay Sample)


In this discussion, each student will search the literature and select a quantitative research study related to a practice issue in your specific area of interest (ORTHOPEDICS). Be sure that the study includes a theoretical or conceptual framework. Post a discussion to address the following questions: Describe and summarize the purpose, type of study design, findings and implications for nursing practice (application of the scientific evidence). Explain the theory that guided the study. How does the theory relate to the study? Explain how the theory could guide the research by analyzing the theory using Alligood′s five criteria for analysis of theory (Chapter 5, Box 5.2): clarity, simplicity, generality, accessibility, and importance. Discuss how different types of evidence may evolve from the research methodology used, and how it can be used to influence practice. Attach a copy of your article to your post. APA 7th EDITION FORMAT. MINIMUM 4 sources written within last 5 years.


Nurses’ Intention in the Administration of Opioid Analgesics
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Nurses’ Intention in the Administration of Opioid Analgesics
The purpose of the study by Taylor et al. (2017) was to determine constructs of the Integrated Behavior Model (IBM) that are applicable in predicting the intentions of nurses to administer needed (PRN) opioid analgesics to orthopedic patients recovering from surgery. The study used a nonexperimental, cross-sectional quantitative research design that consisted of 800 nurses with a survey as the mode of data collection. 

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