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Nursing Metaparadigm & Culturally Proficient & Patient-Oriented Care (Essay Sample)


The Nursing Metaparadigm and Culturally Proficient and Patient-oriented Nursing Care


The Nursing Metaparadigm and Culturally Proficient and Patient-oriented Nursing Care
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The Nursing Metaparadigm and Culturally Proficient and Patient-oriented Nursing Care
The diversified patient needs owing to different ethnicities and backgrounds necessitate culturally inclusive nursing care. Cultural inclusivity means that healthcare is provided to patients with sensitivity to different racial backgrounds. The care provided should also be uniquely tailored to serve the diverse needs of each patient. The nursing metaparadigm entails the disposition of nursing as a profession with regards to set up and function. The nursing metaparadigm comprises four elements: the patient environment, the patient as a whole, the overall well-being and health of the patients, and the nurses' responsibilities (Bender, 2018). These four elements of the metaparadigm are engulfed in one primary concept, care. The interplay between the nurses and the patients is of utmost priority and directly influences healthcare quality. Since the nursing profession is mainly comprised of caring for patients, the four elements of the metaparadigm directly affect the provision of nursing care.
The nursing metaparadigm affects patient care culturally as a person element. As per the metaparadigm, nursing care has to be culturally influential; therefore, nurses must consider that patients come from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Thus, nurses should employ all knowledge, skills, and attitudes applicable and effective in catering to different ethnicities (Domingo & Domingo, 2018). In this way, nurses can identify and understand the cultural aspects of healthcare and apply them efficiently, respectfully, and professionally. Additionally, nurses also understand the importance of knowing how to communicate and socialize with the patient's relatives effectively as required by the metaparadigm. Nurses must consider all cultural elements involved in interaction to communicate the patient's health and course of treatment effectively to their relatives, especially those who cannot make their healthcare resolutions. This action ensures that the patient's well-being remains a priority throughout the treatment period.
The patient's environment is also affected by the four concepts of the nursing metaparadigm. The nursing metaparadigm concentrates on the physical and natural aspects that impact the patient daily. Culturally effective nursing care involves conclusive comprehension of the patient's environmental surroundings. The patient's environment consists of internal and external elements that influence the patient's interaction with the surroundings. These elements may include; friends, family, health workers, economic factors, and geographical regions. Therefore, the method of nursing care provided to any patient as per the nursing metaparadigm ensures that the patient's interplay with the environment is beneficial to their health and eliminates all possible and manageable harm (Founds, 2018). Nurses can do this through the modification of these factors to suit quick patient recovery. Some of these modifications may including limiting visiting hours or increasing surveillance. Therefore, nurses should be prompt in making modifications to suit the patient's specific needs.
The patient's overall well-being is a significant focus of the nursing metaparadigm. The metaparadigm ensures that there ease of access to holistic healthcare services. Holistic wellness necessitates that the patient's life expectancy, physical health, mental stability, spiritual awareness, and hereditary traits are optimum. For holistic wellness to be attained, nursing care must be inclusive socially, financially, and intellectually. The patient's societal values, spirituality, and finances should be considered in healthcare provision to ensure efficient healthcare services (Domingo & Domingo, 2018). When nurses connect with the patients throughout treatment, they can cater to the patient's specific needs. The nurses can also reassure their presence throughout the treatment period and assure a good turnout for the patient. Through moral support and efficient healthcare, the patient can quickly recover due to nursing care tailor-made for them.
The nurses' responsibility element of the metaparadigm also affects nursing care. Caring for patients is a core concept in the nursing profession. In the course of caring for a patient, a nurse can provide a culturally inclusive and patient-oriented method of healthcare. Nurses utilize knowledge and skills theoretically and practically to ensure the provision of quality healthcare, which supports a fast patient recovery since it custom-made for their particular needs. The nurses are also required to be c

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