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PICOS Question: Why does the African American population's chances of getting a stroke increases than any other ethnicity? (Essay Sample)

PICOS Question: Why does the African American population's chances of getting a stroke increases than any other ethnicity? The goal of the paper is to raise the image and build culturally appropriate, therapeutic interventions and methods to control and prevent stroke in Black Men and women. The goal of the paper is to raise the image and build culturally appropriate, therapeutic interventions and methods to control and prevent stroke in Black Men and women. source..
PICOS Question: Why does the African American population's chances of getting a stroke increases than any other ethnicity? First Name Last Name Department, College Course Code: Course Name Instructor’s Name Due Date Why does the African American population's chances of getting a stroke increases than any other ethnicity? Introduction Stroke is more prevalent among Black Americans than non-Hispanic Caucasians in the U.s. A stroke occurs between the ages of 30 of between 50 between Africans, and also the strike proportion is consistently greater than the Caucasians (Aycock et al., 2015). Since they lack affordable healthcare, insurance, schooling, money, as well as other health conditions, Black American males are more likely to suffer from a cerebrovascular accident. The goal of the paper is to raise the image and build culturally appropriate, therapeutic interventions and methods to control and prevent stroke in Black Men and women. African Americans that developed cerebrovascular accident (CVA) Diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases are all more common among African Americans. In comparison to the 8% of Caucasians who have diabetes, 15% of Black People have high blood sugar (Aycock et al., 2015). There is a link connecting diabetes and depression, therefore African Americans are more likely to be depressed than their white peers (Clarke, 2009). CHD affects and over 15.5 million American adults and is responsible for one out of every 7 fatalities (Yacopetti et al., 2013). Cardiovascular diseases are equivalent to approximately 21% of fatalities in the Latino community (Aycock et al., 2015). Non-Hispanic men have the greatest risk of cardiovascular disease, whereas Non-Hispanic black girls had the increased likelihood. With a frequency of 6 percent, people of Asian ancestry have minimal cardiovascular risk. Bp, obesity, Mellitus, and high blood cholesterol are only a few of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Pressure is more common in African Americans than in Hispanic people, Blacks, and Hispanic people are more likely to be obese and diabetic, and hyperlipidemia is more common in all ethnic groups. Approximately 20% of heart disease risk is attributed to a patient's heredity, as per the American Heart Association. A patient's socioeconomic position influences the overall wellness, particularly their cardiovascular health. As per the Department of Minority Health at the Department of Health and Human Services, Black Americans are 10% higher likelihood to experience major psychological trauma. People Of color, like so many other ethnic minorities, are more prone to face societal disparities, such as lack of access to healthcare, scholastic, cultural, and financial opportunities. These inequalities may have a role in negative mental health outcomes. Poor residents have little access to adequate food, work out less, and feel very uncomfortable, all of which contribute to increased anxiety, which can cause weight gain and hypertension. Another element that influences a people's illness risk is their ethnicity. Culture is described as a set of common beliefs, habits, and practices among a group of individuals or society (Clarke, 2009). Persons requesting health treatment may be influenced by their culture. Several cultures think that medical conditions must be discussed in a confidential place rather than in open. Even though pharmaceutical or psychological therapy may be required, studies have revealed that more African Americans focus on church, relatives, and social communities for comfort and support instead of going to medical practitioners. After the patient and the physician, culture has an impact. Becoming sensitive to cultural stereotypes as a clinician is important to offer therapy to every other person that is compatible and successful with that religious ideology (Aycock et al., 2015). Nutrition, pharmacology, naturopathic remedies techniques, and customs, as well as how to manage feelings are all influenced by culture. Monitor vitals signs as it could have been a contributing factor d/t hypertension Tobacco is the greatest avoidable source of mortality worldwide, with more nearly deaths globally and 480,000 in the U.s annually (Yacopetti et al., 2013). Men account for even more than 50% of those who smoke, while Asians account for seven out of each hundred smokers (Yacopetti et al., 2013). Melanoma, cardiovascular disease, stroke, respiratory illness, diabetes, and respiratory disease (COPD), that encompasses chronic bronchitis and emphysema, are all caused by cigarette smoking (Yacopetti et al., 2013) In cellular proliferation, overexposure to tobacco smoking produces alterations "in mitochondrial architecture, particularly fragmentation, branching, and the number of cristae," according to one research (Clarke, 2009). The research has clearly shown that when people smoke, the lymphocytes in the epithelial bronchial tubes demand more vitality, implying that vitality wasn't being allocated properly in the system (Yacopetti et al., 2013). It also showed a significantly higher inflammatory reaction, which makes it harder to breathe due to the reduced room, modifications the elastic properties of the inner layer result of prolonged high inflation, and maintains the number of white blood cells high, making it harder for people to fight infectious diseases, concussions, and malignancies (Aycock et al., 2015). The majority of the alterations stayed the same though following quitting smoking, according to the research. Knowing the signs and symptoms of hypertension and hypotension in stroke Hypertension is more frequent in patients over the age of 65, as well as among African-Americans and diabetics. Hypertension induces the angiotensinogen system to become overactive, causing sodium and water accumulation and increased vascular stiffness. Hypertensive people have damage to the internal of their capillaries as a result of hypertrophy and hyperplasia, resulting in reduced blood circulation. High cholesterol causes fatty deposits inside the circulatory tissues. The sediments will keep developing throughout the period, reducing blood circulation and eventually obstructing it entirely. Diabetes is connected to hypertension, which elevates the risk of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. People who have diabetes have twice as many strokes as the overall population, with females having a greater risk (Clarke, 2009). In hypertension, the blood vessels rupture or leak. Hypotension may occur because of shock. Every year, approximately 3 million instances of increased blood pressure (hypertension) are diagnosed across the globe. Low blood pressure (hypotension) affects slightly over 200,000 people annually (Aycock et al., 2015). Given the number of persons affected by these two heart disorders, we could only infer that individuals are impacted by other heart problems daily. Since hypertension and hypotension are both risk factors leading to stroke high-risk groups like African Americans need to be constantly tested for major signs like diabetes, respiratory issues, and nutrition. Moreover, the high-risk groups need to be more vigilant with their health and avoid poor eating habits as well as increased physical activities to reduce the fat content on their bodies as well as keep their heart and blood circulation system working efficiently. Because a stroke can be fatal when medical assistance is not offered immediately, African Americans need to enroll in medical insurance schemes like medicare to have a chance of ...
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