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Population of Poverty USA (Essay Sample)


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Population Of Poverty USA
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Population of Poverty USA
Poverty can be defined as political, economic and social elements that limit individual income or possession of materials for a person´s needs. In USA, several people are working at a minimum wage which limits their income to meet individual and family needs. Additionally, increased poverty rates can limit access to health care leading to malnutrition and other diseases. This paper focuses on describing how poverty affects access to health care in United States. The paper will also explain how Medicaid can be a safety net and analyze the role of Medicaid in supporting the disabled and elderly. Finally, the paper will describe why Medicaid is a program in 50 different states.
Why Access to Health Care is Limited
According to experts, access to health care in United States is limited because the prices for goods and health care services are higher compared to other industrialized nations. This problem is also caused by United State use of expensive technology which makes the cost of health care services more expensive compared to the income of her citizens (Oguz, 2018).
How Medicaid Can Be a Safety Net
Medicaid is a funded program by the state to provide health coverage especially to people who live in poverty. This program can cover low income people such as people with disabilities, the elderly, pregnant women, children and families. According to US Census Bureau, 6.7% of population live in deep poverty and their income is below poverty threshold of 50%. However, since Medicaid can cover 1 in 5 Americans not all but many low income adults, children as well as people with disability can get health care support thereby relieving families´ care burden (Markus, 2017).
Role in Support for Elderly and Disabled
Medicaid provides supplemental security income to the disabled who have low income however, for the elderly to qualify for Medicaid long term care, one must have medical need for care as well as qualify financially. Medicaid provides support services that are not covered by medicare to low income elderly and people with disabilities to help them stay independent and healthy. Additionally, Medicaid provides other covers such as vision care and transportation to the doctor along with other support services that are not covered by medicare. This makes Medicaid long term support more essential in filling gaps in Medicare benefits (Lipton, 2019).
Why Medicaid is 50 Different State Program
Many State countries have adopted Medicaid program because of its reliability which helps to bolster economies and allow the country to meet health care support for their residents. This helps to relieve residents with low income the burden of acquiring expensive health care support hence helping them to stay independent and healthy. The financial support provided by the State through Medicaid program helps all people in urban, suburban and rural hospitals as well as health care system to meet population health care standards (Soni, Hendryx & Simon, 2017).
In conclusion, the high cost of living with low

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