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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Preliminary Care Coordination Plan: Stroke (Essay Sample)


The paper reqiuired that students identify a common chronic problem, discuss the problem in certain subtopics and highlight available resources for people living with the condition identified.


Preliminary Care Coordination Plan: Stroke
A stroke is a cerebrovascular event that occurs due to vaso-occlusion or hemorrhage affecting part of the brain. The vascular compromises the blood supply with oxygen and nutrients to part of the brain that dies off causing a neurological deficit. Patients present with an inability to use part of the body. Depending on the extent of the damage, individuals may require support to accomplish activities of daily living such as feeding, grooming, and mobility. The paper is a coordination care plan of individuals living with stroke such as the physical, cultural, and psychological needs of clients living with stroke. The paper also highlights the community resources available for patients living with stroke.
The nursing care plan for individuals diagnosed entails the initial nursing assessment for factors associated with decreased cerebral perfusion and dangers such as increased intracranial pressure. The nurse conducts a complete examination to elicit the clinical deficits evident among patients living with stroke and instate an appropriate response. The nurse is also keenly monitoring the neurological status of the patient and compare with the baseline to determine the progression of the disease. Monitoring of vital signs is important as fluctuations of blood pressure are a common find in stroke. Hypertension may occur following raised ICP. Other assessments of clinical importance include respiratory patterns and pupillary response (Chugh, 2019).
Treatment Goals
The goals of treatment for patients with stroke depend on the severity of the cerebrovascular accident. The most important objective in care for stroke patients is to prevent further injuries by alleviating the risk factors. The A

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