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Remote work strategy (Essay Sample)

in 2020, covid-19 threatened public health accross the globe, forcing many organizations to find alternative ways of doing business. the president of your university has assigned you the responsibility of researching and presenting alternatives ways to continue university operations without jeorpadizing employees and students. you are to research and design comprehensive remote work strategy as well as plans to return students and employees to work safely when the threats of the pandemic has lessened and public health officials determine it is safe to return to work source..
Remote Work Strategy Name University Course Professor Date Remote Work Strategy Covid-19 resulted in numerous health challenges and health crises. It transformed multiple individuals and social spheres, compelling citizens and institutions to adopt a new reality. Most of these changes have provided a chance to introduce emerging dynamics. Hence, it has yielded to overcoming old contradictions. The worst affected organization is university education, which faced doubled complications (Martín-Sánchez et al., 2022). For example, it affected the provision of prolonged quality education and adaptation of education (contents and methods) to emerging circumstances. Thus, there is a need to design the best remote-work strategy to prolong university education without jeopardizing students and employees. Alternative Approaches to Continue University Education Remote Online Learning and Teaching The university should devise new strategies to enhance teaching and learning during the pandemic. First is the implementation of remote online learning and teaching. The institution has a high number of students, and accommodating all of them is challenging. It will increase the spread of the disease, leading to many deaths and prolonged health challenges (Mbhiza, 2021). The crisis has caused the inability of lectures to be delivered through on-campus learning. Therefore, the institution should use online teaching to deliver curriculum content. The university should use online digital tools such as YouTube, Google Meet, zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Blackboard. The lecturers and other employees should use Microsoft teams due to its numerous advantages. It increases the motivation of students to enjoy their learning because it reinforces the cognizance of content. Apart from promoting the safety of students, it also helps save time since lecturers would not move from one lecture hall to another. It increases learning efficiency and content delivery (AlAdwani & AlFadley, 2022). Moreover, it helps students during the pandemic as it enhances self-study skills, which boosts academic attainment. Another advantage of Microsoft Teams is that it boosts interaction and participation scores. Employees can use the platforms to help students learn the samples in class. Radio System The university can adopt a radio approach to deliver lectures to the students. The adoption of this method during this pandemic would help to disseminate educational resources. Students find radio platforms to be very interesting. Additionally, it can be used to provide detailed knowledge. Some radio can be incorporated to provide visual content, which is fundamental to leaners (Ayanwale et al., 2023). Broadcasting radio lectures would be the most effective approach to continuing education. University employees should develop detailed radio lectures to reach students. It can be achieved through interactive radio instructions, such as the creation of pre-recorded interactive lectures. Television System The university should also implement the use of television to facilitate learning. Even though, it is characterized by high production cost, it possesses tremendous reach. Additionally, it has the advantage of being an engaging and familiar visual medium. Since there is well developed satellite and broadcasting infrastructure, it provides a distance education medium during this pandemic. Students from vast geographical areas are covered using this strategy. Hewage (2021) argued that television remains as an audio effective equipment that covers massive number of viewers. Consequently, it is a successful medium when implemented as a tool used in distance education. University employees can thus utilize this strategy to offer alternative learning and teaching. Plans to Return Students and Employees Safely Use of Apps The university should develop various strategies to ensure employees and students remain safe when they return to school after pandemic. First, the management should develop apps to send covid-19-associated messages and minimize crowds within the campus. The development of the GET mobile app would help students and employees avoid overcrowding. They would avoid long lines available in dining areas. Hence, it would enable them to pick their meals quickly reduce exposure period and minimize close crowd contact. Furthermore, mobile apps can also be used to remind students and employees to receive reminders and updates and take daily symptoms tracker in the university. Social Distancing and Gathering Space The second approach is the development of social distancing and gathering space. Before plans to bring back students and employees, the university should develop outdoor, library lawn, and social distancing gathering spaces. These areas provide students with safe places to hangout. They also support them in attending concerts and other events that are physically distant. University management should implement one meter distant apart. Venues where events are taking place should be redesigned to align with covid-19 spacing guidelines to minimize transmission. Likewise, to promote proper distancing, all university venues will be required to effectively reduce the capacity of every space linked to their property. For instance, rooms that initially accommodating 100 individuals at an 8-feet round should be redesigned to accommodate 50 individuals. A standard boardroom would not be viable for holding 12-individual meetings. Therefore, they management should design a larger space for holding such meetings. Vaccine Incentive Program A vaccine incentive program would be the best way to enable more students to get vaccinated. The management must develop a strategy to motivate them to get shot. For example, it should start the “Your Shot to Win” program. The method provides a strategy for them to win beyond 80 prices. Students who are in a full-time program can participate and would win various prices. These prices could be laptops, hockey tickets, and bookstore gift certificates. Other prices include tuition credit for one semester. Wildcat Pass and Surveillance Testing The university should implement an Intensive and ambitious surveillance testing program. It should be built on campus labs that can accommodate weekly testing of faculty staff. The lab should also facilitate the testing of students twice a week. Before the commencement of every semester, all the students should append their signature to a contract acknowledging participation in the program. The contract would also ensure they participate in safety behavioral strategies such as wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing for them to remain on the campus. Similarly, the university should design a wild pass to assist students in maintaining track linked to their ongoing compliance status. Furthermore, it will alert them when they are required to devise measures to remain compliant. Peer Health Educators The university should collaborate with other institutions, such as government health education organizations, to reduce the rate of covid-19. The organizations must participate in creating cross-organization peer education that involves more than 100 peer educators. Peer educators should be spread across campuses. The significance of students’ health ambassadors peer-to-peer educators is that they assist in spreading accurate information. Based on research, the approach helps in reducing infection rates in surrounding areas and o campus. Hence, the university would be able to remain open for a long time without closure resulti...
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