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Riese Hearing (Essay Sample)

Medication refusal is a significant issue in mental health, underlying the widely registered poor patient outcomes. Failure to adhere to medications causes suicide and self-harm tendencies among mental health patients in psychiatric wards. Patients are also likely to be aggressive and violent, harming themselves and others in the process. It is based on this reality that stakeholders have tried to solve the issue in numerous ways. For instance, one approach has been shared decision-making, which Burn et al. (2019) find that is favored by both patients and clinicians. Nevertheless, it has been less effective in fostering medication adherence, necessitating the consideration of other alternatives such as riesing patients. Getting riesed, also known as leveraging court orders, is effective in ensuring medication adherence. However, the approach has its concerns, specifically the moral dilemma it raises when patients are dehumanized. This warrants evaluating the effectiveness of this widely used approach (riesing), especially when it comes to registering positive patient outcomes. PICOT Question: In psychiatric care inpatients, does getting riesed compared to shared decision-making or family involvement to ensure medication adherence register better patient outcomes in the long run? • P – Psychiatric care inpatients • I – Riesing patients • C – Shared decision-making and family involvement • O – Improved/positive patient outcomes • T – Long term source..
Riese Hearing Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Riese Hearing It is fundamental for a medical professional to utilize all available treatment options to ensure that the patient receives the most efficient medical care. However, there are frequently various limitations that avert efficient health care. The problem to be addressed in the capstone project is investigating whether increasing the standard of proof required to treat and detain a psychiatric patient would significantly enhance better medical care for patients. Due to the various limitation involved in the Riese hearings, the capstone project will investigate the different preliminary requirements necessary for the dismissal of a petition in the case of a patient’s refusal of medication (Hicks & West, 2020). The requirements to be evaluated include whether the presenting physician qualifies as a treating doctor, whether proper notice was offered, whether rational efforts were made to offer information to the patient necessary under WIC Sections 5152 (c) and 5332 (a), and whether the patient is a refuser (Sun et al., 2021). Essentially, dismissal of the petition usually occurs when these preliminary requirements are unmet. The research aims to analyze these requirements further towards effective medical care for psychiatric patients. It is a non-adherence to medication by psychiatric patient presents numerous challenges to their health and general well-being. Medication refusal by patients has various effects, such as poorer treatment outcomes that include hospitalization, lower quality of life, lack of symptom stabilization, and homelessness (Du Plessis et al., 2021). Moreover, psychotropic medication non-adherence can result in the exacerbation of illness, resulting in reduced treatment efficacy or other occurrences, leaving the patients less responsive to consequent treatment (Katz et al., 2019). Also, other effects include rehospitalization, enhanced co-morbid medical conditions, poor psychosocial outcomes, wastage of medical care resources, and increased suicide. Presently, the courts and the legislative bodies have placed significant burdens on medical professionals and the different treatment institutions that strive to medicate psychiatric patients against their will in non-emergency situations. The challenges include addressing a set of preliminary requirements in Riese hearings, presenting a convincing and straightforward case, and disproving any forms of doubt that might be raised by representation made by the advocate or the patient (Nielsen et al., 2020). The project is significant as it investigates various strategies that would benefit the patients and the doctors by developing solutions that might mitigate the challenges doctors face when patients are against psychiatric medication (Lewis, 2023). In various cases, there were deliberations in the treatment team about whether a patient required but refused medication. However, due to experience with Riese hearing, the medical staff are usually confident that the patient would be judged competent at the hearing. In various cases, the medical professionals did not challenge the patient’s medication refusal, and a hearing was not scheduled as it was considered a waste of time (Jaeger, Hüther & Steinert, 2019). Critically, addressing the various requirements in a petition for a Riese hearing presents numerous challenges in offering effective medical care. It is the requirement that the medical staff prove that a patient is a refuser to have legal permission to provide medication to the patient (Semahegn et al., 2020). The capstone is also significant as the mixed patterns of refusal and acceptance are more challenging to classify. The research will be instrumental in providing a definitive and efficient simplified elaboration of the criteria for defining refusal and acceptance. The research aims to investigate elaborate preliminary requirements that would be fundamental in enhancing the treatment of psychiatric patients. The challenges doctors encounter during the Riese hearing are significant. The project will investigate the preliminary requirements, including informed consent, offer of medication and refusal, petition and notice, and treating doctor, and provide insight on how they can be improved and reduce medication refusal occurrences. ...
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