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Roles of Advanced Practice Nurses in Enhancing Public Health (Essay Sample)

This discussion post for Week 4's Infectious Disease Outbreak Collaboration Café focuses on the role of nurses in public health, particularly during disease outbreaks. It uses the 2022 Ebola outbreak in Uganda as a case study to illustrate the importance of data, collaboration, and containment measures in managing public health crises. source..
Week 4 Infectious Disease Outbreak Collaboration Café Student's Name Program Name or Degree University Course Instructor's Name Date Week 4 Infectious Disease Outbreak Collaboration Café Nurses play a significant role in promoting public health. They study disease patterns and, in collaboration with other care professionals, develop strategies to prevent the spread of future outbreaks. Disease outbreaks significantly burden healthcare systems, individuals, and families, considering their effects on morbidity, mortality, and care costs. Reliable data sources such as the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can help provide vital data on these outbreaks, assisting in their containment and management. This discussion focuses on the recent Ebola outbreak in Uganda. The World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention are the selected reliable sources of epidemiological data for the outbreak. The Ebola disease outbreak in Uganda was first declared in September 2020 after a case was diagnosed in the Mubende district. The outbreak lasted four months, leaving 55 confirmed deaths and 87 recovered patients, with a mortality rate of 34% (World Health Organization, n.d.). The threat remained an outbreak, considering the number of people affected. The Sudan ebolavirus caused the outbreak. The major strengths of public health response were containment measures and collaboration with internal stakeholders. Collaborating with care professionals and other nations helped the country implement several measures to contain the spread. These measures included robust contact tracing, patient testing, prompt care access, building isolation and treatment centers, and availing laboratory testing kits (World Health Organization, n.d.). In addition, all individuals leaving the country for other nations were screened during entry and monitored to prevent the disease's global spread (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). Partners such as the World Health Organization collaborated with the nation to provide vaccines for the disease. There are lessons learned from the outbreak. These include the significance of internal and external stakeholder collaboration in managing epidemics and outbreaks. According to Jumbe et al. (2023), stakeholders should be active and prompt during outbreaks to prevent the spread of diseases into epidemi...
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