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Safety Committee (Essay Sample)

There are a lot of benefits of establishing a safety committee. From a financial standpoint, most insurance companies offer incentives or discounts to facilities that establish and maintain safety committees. Some health care organizations even offer complimentary training for committee members. Safety committee members are also on-the-job safety advocates. Because of their training, they are additional eyes and ears in their departments and can help identify potential problems and bring them to the attention of the safety manager for correction before incidents occur. When there is an incident, safety committee members have the knowledge to complete incident reports, conduct interviews and look for the true cause of the incident. These skills also help them make recommendations to prevent future incidents. Creating and maintaining a safety committee will take time and resources. But the investment is worth it when compared to the cost of an employee injury, illness or death. source..
Safety Committee Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Date Safety Committee Depending on the health facility's management culture, a safety committee serves various organizational functions, including reviewing accident investigation reports, near misses, daily incidents, and analyzing losses to prevent future recurrences of similar incidents (Weaver et al., 2021). The contingent safety and risk management committees at New York Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital comprise a mixed population. The committee consists of hospital administrators, employees, and representatives from the labor force union. The committee offers a platform for safeguarding public and employees' interests and promoting health and safety issues by ensuring adequate working conditions to provide enhanced healthcare services. The contingent safety and risk management committees at New York Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital meet regularly every three months. Its primary role is to help the hospital reduce workplace risks, including clinical injuries and accompanying infections, by ensuring the facility complies with state and federal health and safety protocols. The safety committee conducts safety audits and workplace inspections, establishes conflict resolution procedures, and provides a forum where employees and administration can deliberate issues facing safety and healthcare delivery to find collaborative solutions to prevailing challenges. New York Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital has a regulatory requirement that the safety and risk management committee report on its findings whi...
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