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Simple Strategies for Successfully Beating Chronic Diseases (Essay Sample)

THE TASK IS ABOUNT SIMPLE STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFULLY BEATING CHRONIC DISEASES, AND INCLUDE proper adherence to a balanced diet, engaging in routine physical activities, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding smoking, and participating in regular medical check-ups . this simple strategies are very crucial not only in the management of chronic diseases but also in promoting general good health. source..
Simple Strategies for Successfully Beating Chronic Diseases Student’s Name Institution Course Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Simple Strategies for Successfully Beating Chronic Diseases Chronic diseases are gradual, long-lasting, and incurable conditions that manifest slowly over a period of time. They include but are not limited to, diabetes, heart attack, and hypertension. There is no cure for chronic diseases, but simple strategies must be implemented to prevent and control their manifestation. Therefore, this article addresses these simple strategies to beat and control chronic diseases. Adopting a healthy diet plays a significant role in managing chronic diseases. A healthy diet means the consumption of nutrient-dense meals that include lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables while trying to avoid processed foods at all costs (Cena & Calder, 2022). This helps to prevent the intake of high-calorie and low-nutrient foods, which maintains a healthy weight. For instance, consuming lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains helps reduce blood cholesterol, boost immunity, and promote brain functions. According to Cena & Calder (2020), consuming leafy greens, berries, and cruciferous vegetables helps manage various types of cancer. Even if there is no food to control cancer, the proper mix of vitamins, together with a balanced diet, promotes better protection against some types of cancer. Regular physical activity is crucial in weight loss, heart health, and sugar levels within the body. Collado-Mateo et al. (2021) states that moderately intense aerobic exercises for 2.5 hours a week help improve cardiovascular health and blood sugar. Strength training, such as weight lifting for at least 2 hours a week, also improves general body function. Generally, physical exercises boost body health and minimize chances of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer as well as heart attack. The benefit of physical activity may take time, but it assures long-term solutions to not only chronic diseases but also prevent acute illness (Collado-Mateo et al., 2021). Long-term abuse of alcohol has dangerous health issues, affecting the entire body's health and facilitating infestation of diabetes, cancer, heart failure, brain and liver damage, and making the body susceptible to other infectious diseases. Smoking drugs such as tobacco weaken the body through stroke and cardiovascular diseases. According to Ng et al. (2020), stroke and heart disease are the major causes of death in the United States, and he also indicated that even people who smoke less than 5 cigarettes a day can experience early symptoms of heart disease. Therefore, limiting alcohol consumption and altogether avoiding smoking assures better health conditions (Ng et al., 2020). Medical check-ups at planned intervals are essential in identifying and controlling chronic diseases. These checks include but are not limited to, screening, blood pressure tests, cholesterol tests, and blood sugar tests. Early identification of pre-disposing factors before their development helps to manage chronic illness. Early intervention measures prevent the development of chronic disease and provide enough time to identify proper treatment. According to Mike (2020), making medical check-ups a routine and proper adherence ...
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