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The Need for Policy Change (Essay Sample)


it was a letter directed to the senator of the student's county. in the letter, the student was to
ask the senator to reconsider his/her stand on the issue of the patient’s wishes to die through euthanasia methods. current policy, need for change, cost implications, and the role of nurses as change agents.


With this letter, I wish to ask you to reconsider and stand on the issue of the patient’s wishes to die through euthanasia methods. In Florida, a growing number of elders are calling for a discussion on euthanasia. Indeed, the death of euthanasia, according to Florida, remains a question for state legislators to consider. Florida has continually denied patients the right of making their own decisions regarding ending their lives by making it illegal for physicians to help a patient die from euthanasia. I wish to reiterate that, even though life is sacred death is a private affair. Therefore, given that there is no particular harm in the process, the state should not be responsible to control patients’ voluntary decisions concerning suicide. Considering the sheer amount of pain and discomfort that terminally ill patients experience, it is reason enough for the state to grant peaceful and painless death if they wish. Shah. (2017) argues that Euthanasia offers this option, and denying the patient this important decision is tantamount to violating their human rights. It is also vital to consider the costs involved with managing such terminal illness especially at the critical stages. Most patients may not have enough financial muscles to support proper palliative care. Even so, this does not slow down or speed up death. Additionally, even with palliative care, the management of pain in terminally ill patients may still be difficult (Evans, 2020). Therefore, in such a scenario, euthanasia is the best option left for such patients.
Current Policy Structure
Emphasis is on policy change in the state of Florida. However, it is important to make a comparison of the euthanasia policy structure in Florida with other US states. In the US, suicide is legal, and no action is taken against those who attempt suicide (Downie, 2016). However, the law on suicide prevention and euthanasia varies from case to case. Most states in the nation have laws approving willful extermination or self-destruction notes. Deciding the distinction among killing and doctor helped suicide is significant in understanding the approach encompassing the subject of conversation. Euthanasia involves a doctor who prescribes a lethal dose while under the supervision of a physician assisted suicide. The patient must administer the lethal dose him or herself.
There is no formal discussion of patient euthanasia in Florida, and guidelines are given to approve or condone it. Section 782.08 of the Florida Statutes applies to physicians who have assisted suicide. The law stipulates that assisting a person to commit suicide is a second offense and is interpreted as a capital offense in a court of law. Section 765.309 of the Florida Statement on Advanced Health Care Guidelines allows physicians to prescribe a variety of life-saving procedures in the interests of patients (Downie, 2016). The other 43 states in the US have existing laws that allow doctors grant patients their right and wish of dying via euthanasia. In states such as Alaska, Arizona, and Arkansas, death can be aided by euthanasia. The general law used by the states that authorized the circumcision of a patient is that a patient who wants to die from a stroke must be six months or less. In addition, the regulations stipulate that a patient must make two oral requests in addition to a doctor's note stating his or her wish for the patient's death and death (Downie, 2016).

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