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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Role of Nursing in Modern Healthcare (Essay Sample)

The topic was The Role of Nursing in Modern Healthcare, required 1 page/approx 275, english (u.s) and needed to include APA citations with at least two sources. The sample provided demonstrates how to follow these instructions by adhering to the given word count, maintaining APA formatting, and integrating references from scholarly sources. source..
The Role of Nursing in Modern Healthcare Nursing is an important component of the current day nursing in delivering patient care, enhancing health, and health care for those with chronic illnesses. This is because nurses are usually the first people that patients interact with and are important members of the health care team that ensure that care givers deliver care with a lot of compassion.Thus, nurse caring is one of the primary tasks of a nurse together with other tasks that are associated with patients. This involves taking the patient’s vital signs, giving medication and also being able to comfort the patient. Based on the American Nurses Association (2021), patient care is one of the significant roles of nurses, where a patients’ care is provided in consideration of his or her needs and preferences. Such skills make them accomplish the overall assessment and meet the needs of every patients’ thus enhancing the health standard and patient satisfaction.In particular, nursing is not only about acute care, but also about health promotion and disease prevention. The other roles of nurses include patient and community health education on ways of improving their health, preventing illnesses and diseases as well as the care of patients suffering from chronic diseases. For instance, the education delivered by the nurses, especially in explaining or controlling diabetes means a lot to the patients as this affects their way of living and their health status (Funnell et al., 2019). Since nurses deal with both the current and future health of the patients, they relieve the strain of chronic diseases and enhance the health of a nation.In addition, nursing is involved in serving the healthcare system’s hea...
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