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Upstream Determinants of Health (Essay Sample)

The task involved analyzing the upstream determinants of health through case studies of Fred and Mark, highlighting how factors like employment, housing, nutrition, and healthcare affect their health differently. It emphasized the importance for nurses to understand these determinants to address health disparities effectively. Additionally, it discussed the specific upstream determinants impacting the African American population and proposes strategies to improve health equity. source..
Analysis of Upstream Determinants of Health Student Name Institution Course Professor Date Analysis of Upstream Determinants of Health Upstream Determinants of Health for Fred and Mark The two cases of Fred and Mark illustrate the differences in upstream determinants of health in society. Fred works in a well-paying job with secure employment; hence, he enjoys a solid and stable home that provides enough health care, an adequate and balanced diet, and opportunities for leisure. On the other hand, the challenges faced by Mark include unemployment or somewhat irregular employment, poor dietary/nutrition, and poor health. They are evidenced in their health status: Fred has no health problems and frequently visits doctors, whereas Mark and his family have serious health issues and restricted healthcare services. Negative Impact on Mark's Health Several upstream determinants negatively affect Mark's health, including housing, nutrition, and health care. Another problem is the absence of an extensive choice of full-range grocery stores. Mark's family is limited in purchasing processed foods from corner stores that cause unfavorable effects on their health and output, including obesity and diabetes. This may entail mobilizing community-based strategies, such as placing farmer's markets, providing cheaper healthy foods in corner shops and stores, or ensuring appropriate access to fresh food shops to replace small convenience shops (Ohri-Vachaspati et al., 2019). Such measures could significantly enhance the availability of good nutrition and, therefore, food and health prospects of Mark and his people. Importance to Nurses Nurses need to be aware of upstream determinants of health so they can do more than perhaps solely address the symptoms. Thus, understanding the social, economic, and other environmental issues patients face allows nurses to address the social needs of resources and facilities. In its extensive practice, this approach may alleviate the prevalence of health disparities and improve the health of patients, especially those from less privileged backgrounds (Chelak & Chakole, 2023). Nurses can also raise the patient's awareness concerning these determinants and help them find relevant community support. Upstream Determinants for African American Population Regarding the determinants of health, there is a different approach to the upstream determinants in clinical care settings among African Americans. These are the likes of poverty, which is more prevalent among the less educated, poorer health care facilities and services, and a higher degree of vulnerability to hazardous surroundings. Furthermore, there are social determinants that negatively affect stress and mental health among patients, which are Systematic Racism and Discrimination. It can be noted that solving these determinants entails a comprehensive approach, hence...
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