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Why a Lot of Parents Refuse to Immunize Their Children? Medicine Essay (Essay Sample)


Why a Lot of Parents Refuse to Immunize Their Children? The sample answers this question in a detailed and comprehensive manner.


Why a Lot of Parents Refuse to Immunize Their Children?
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Why a Lot of Parents Refuse to Immunize Their Children?
Parents' refusal to immunize their children is a growing concern as it increases the occurrence of preventable diseases. Immunization is crucial in disease prevention among children, and thus, it is crucial to determine the reasons for vaccine hesitancy by some parents. The causes of vaccine hesitancy among parents range from individual beliefs and religious reasons to vaccine risks and safety concerns. It is critical to understand these religious beliefs so that funds can be targeted for research that debunks these beliefs and renders immunization acceptable.
Religious beliefs are the leading cause for the refusal by parents to have their kids vaccinated. According to McKee & Bohannon (2016), the most common reason offered by parents for not having their children vaccinated is religious beliefs. Religious is particularly a major concern in the US, with only four states not offering exemption based on religious beliefs. Unlike other reasons for hesitancy, it can be tough to dissuade individuals from their beliefs against vaccination. McKee & Bohannon (2016) further argue that most people driven by religious reasons are often linked to total refusal of all immunizations. The choices made based on religious beliefs are not due to ignorance but rather a strong, calculated decision related to a staunch conviction.

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