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AGING PROCESS. It covers the process of aging in human beings. (Essay Sample)


it covers the process of aging in human beings.


Aging Process
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As we grow up, we undergo inevitable changes, caused by the lifestyle and environment we live in globally. As a result, the aging process is a state in life that everyone is expected to undergo at certain ages. In return, the aging process has social and physical effects on the human body such as wrinkling of the face and growth of grey hair.
Aging Process
The aging process is a continuous change that declines the body's ability to respond to metabolic changes that occur biologically. The aging process takes place in the cell in an organ with time hence, making the physical and emotional changes that the organism undergoes. The aging process in human beings can be viewed in three phases, including chronological age, which is based on the passage of time (Safavi, 2015). Chronological aging is linked to health problems, as the people age high chances of undergoing health problems are high.
Secondly, biological aging relates to changes that can be seen as people age. The lifestyle, habit, and effects of diseases rather than the aging differences occurring, leading to the apparent aging changes that people undergo biologically. Also, psychological aging is based on the people's acts and feelings to the surroundings in the manner in which they respond; it can be considered psychologically young or old.

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