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Documenting America Before the Revolution History Essay (Essay Sample)


the task was to create at least 4 entries on some of the important events that happened in the history of the united states of america before 1673. each entry was to contain the dates that the event happened, the event's title , and how the event affected the local and global perspectives of the new world.


Documenting America Before the Revolution
Student’s Name
Student’s Name, Module 1, Wiki Entry 1
Plantation Agriculture Results in Demand for Slave Labor (1610-1763)
When Europeans settled in North America, they found the land ripe for growing corn, rice, coffee, sugar, and cotton (Klein, 1986). As they created large plantations due to an ever-growing demand for these crops, the only solution they had to meet the need for the labor-intensive work was to bring in slaves from Africa. This is what set the stage for the west to increasingly participate in the African slave trade in the many years that followed.
Student’s Name, Module 2, Entry 1
The Effects of Christopher Columbus’ Proofs of Merit (1493)
In 1493, Christopher Columbus wrote a letter (also called probanza de merito) that described the experiences that various explorers had in the New World (Copeland, 2008). These reports sparked a lot of excitement in Europe, leading to many of the Europeans following in Columbus’ footsteps and dreaming of winning great wealth by sailing west.

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