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Slavery of Africans History Essay Research Coursework (Essay Sample)


Had to argue on the impact of African's slavery to the north and south Americans. With substantial research, I came up with this great piece.


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Slavery of Africans Had a Greater Impact in North America Than it Did in Central American, South America or the Caribbean.
The impact of African slaves in America can be stipulated by the level of industrialization, discrimination, and racism as well as the population of African Americans in the respective regions of the United States. Slaves were the people that did all the dirty and hard work for the American before the end of the civil war and the end of slavery. Slaves would work in the American plantations and houses as maids with no payments. Before the start of the civil war in 1861, the movement of a single American to Africa would result in a minimum of four Africans forcefully taken to America as slaves (Sprigs 66).
Comparison of Slavery Impact in Different Parts of America
I would dispute the statement, "Slavery of Africans had a greater impact in North America than it did in Central American, South America or the Caribbean" with solid findings that it is the Southern part of America that was significantly impacted by the African slavery ("Impact of Slavery in America").

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