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Ideas of Locke, Hobbes, and Smith History Essay Paper (Essay Sample)


DISCUSS THE Ideas of Locke, Hobbes, and Smith


Ideas of Locke, Hobbes, and Smith
Humankind and structured societies began at specific points with different levels of knowledge, understanding, and structures put in place to govern people. The arrangements ensured cohesion among various groups in society and led to the growth and development of modern day society. Based on the need to further understand how the world and society functions, several theorists have made efforts in uncovering the truth behind the origins of human understanding, and the structures in society.
According to Locke, the human mind acquires knowledge based on the experiences received from the surrounding environment. Since every person is affected differently by the situation, there is a contrast in the level of understanding that every individual possesses. Since man cannot be able to construct their truth, people are led by the information gathered from their personal life experiences. Due to the endless number of perceptions that individuals have, concerning the world and the way everything operates, there are significant contrasts in opinions. Individuals with differing views find themselves on arguing on different occasions, as each of them seeks to support their stand, and through this dialogue, information is shared to create a consensus on some issues (Locke 111).

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