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The Controversial Theory of Evolution History Essay (Essay Sample)


Paper details
Geology 8- Age of Dinosaurs
Fall 2018
Evolution (100 points)
While understood and accepted by the scientific community, the theory of evolution has
mixed acceptance among the public at large. Write a short essay (at least 500 words in length)
explaining the social, religious, or political reasons why you believe evolution is frequently
considered controversial outside of the scientific community (you may feel free to discuss your
own personal acceptance (or non-acceptance) of evolution, but this is not required).
The goal of the assignment is for you to think about the reasons why there is conflict over
evolution in social, religious, or political systems. I’m not looking for science vs. politics, or
science vs. religion… Science doesn’t oppose those things. What are the reasons for support and opposition within the area of politics, etc. Why do people in those fields argue strongly for or against evolution, but don’t argue about equally accepted scientific ideas, like the theory of
gravity or the formation of rocks? (You don’t need to explain what evolution is. Assume the target reader already knows.)
The target word count is 500, which is roughly 1 1/2 to 2 pages, double spaced.
Check your spelling. Write well. Use complete sentences. This assignment contributes to the
general education writing requirement for this class, so turn in a polished, professional paper.
Cite at least two sources using the citation style of your preference. Internet articles are okay,
written by an author, but not random webpages or wikis. At minimum, cite title, author, and
No direct quotes.
No plagiarism. Don’t copy sentences directly from another source. Even a sentence that is lightly modified is considered plagiarized. Always write your own sentence.


The Controversial Theory of Evolution
The Controversial Theory of Evolution
Years of research and development have given us increased knowledge on how the earth and beings came into existences. The sensitive topic of evolution has been viewed from a different perspective in our communities and it seems like there will never be closure to the topic as it gets more controversial with the increase of knowledge. How beings came into existence has been given a universal explanation and that is the evolution, however, this explanation has been criticized by the religion around us, the social groups and politically some think it is not enough explanation. Equally, the evolution theory has received a conflict and accommodation type of welcome in our society since it was first introduced. One of the most controversial topics in the universe, this paper will not stop the trend but it will give an insight as to why there is hesitation on accepting evolution, socially, politically or religiously.
As much as we all want, our truth to be accepted there is no doubt that most of the opinions and decisions made in our societies are culturally instigated. Hence, one of the reasons as to why evolution theory has been a controversial topic in our societies is because of the existing cultural conflict or the cultural wars around us. That is the differences existing between classical liberals, traditionalist, and conservative values. In the Western regions, the progressive, social liberal and social democratic values also influence the cultural conflicts. The assumptions that have been influenced by the cultures we follow do have an impact on the ability and willingness to accept or assent evolution.

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