Anthropology Greeting Assignment History Essay Paper (Essay Sample)
Find a busy place on campus where people are coming and going and watch people greet each other. Write detailed notes on everything you notice. Pay attention to the words they use, to their expressions, their body language, age, and the way they are dressed. Observe and take notes until you find a greeting sequence that you find interesting. Your task here is to provide a description of a specific greeting encounter detailed enough for you and your reader to be able to imagine what passed on.
Note: this project requires that you conduct an actual observation of the ways in which people greet each other. Work based on secondary sources, or addressing hypothetical (imagined) scenarios will not receive credit.
This is an individual project and it does not allow for collaboration.
Write a short paper, based on your observations and notes. Make sure to address all of the “grading points” below. You may use the grading points to organize your paper with section titles. Carefully edit your paper for clarity, grammar, style, and typographic errors.
Grading points:
1. Write down where, when, and for how long you conducted your observation (5 points)
2. Describe persons involved in the greeting encounter: age, gender, appearance, etc. (5 points)
3. Write down the words of the greeting exchange (10 points)
4. Note people’s facial expressions (5 points)
5. Describe body language (5 points)
6. Describe the tone of greetings: (happy, surprised, distant, etc. (5 points)
7. Did the greeting lead to a more extended interaction? What was that interaction like? (10 points)
8. What can you tell about the relationship based on the kind of greeting? (5 points)
9. What kind of function or functions did the greeting exchange serve? How can you tell? In answering this part of question use Jakobson’s Model of the Multifunctionality of Language (Fenigsen ms. Signs and their types, BBLearn; Ahearn textbook, p.18) 10 points.
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Anthropology Greeting Assignment
Write down where, when, and for how long you conducted your observation
The observation on greetings and language use in the university was performed at the Arboretum Park. This park was busy in that many students interacted with other as they enjoyed the natural and cool environment at the place. The observation process was made in September 2018 for a duration of approximately three hours. I observed different people greeting and interacting with each other. Accordingly, my focus was on the words used, their expressions and body language, age and the manner of dressing. I made notes on several greetings but ended on an interesting interaction that is crucial to discuss.Describe persons involved in the greeting encounter: age, gender, appearance, etc.
In this context, the greeting encounter of interest involved two students. One was male while the other was of the female gender. From the observation, these persons were aged around 22 years. In addition, both were dressed attractively which led to the majority of people paying attention to their interaction. The male person was decently dressed in a jeans and t-shirt while the lady was dressed in a skimpy dress. From the appearance, the lady was quite slim as compared to the man. Most people in the Arboretum directed their sight on the lady due to the skimpy attractive dress and her beautiful figure.
Write down the words of the greeting exchange
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