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Bullying (Essay Sample)

The task was to answer the question of whether berating a team leader in front of other employees is considered bullying. Also, the sample talks about the legal implications associated with workplace bullying. Moreover, the paper discusses the role of human resources regarding workplace bullying and the ethical implications such as non-maleficence in the context of workplace bullying. source..
Bullying Author’s name Institutional affiliation Course Instructor’s name Date Bullying Berating the team leader in front of other employees is bullying because verbal and angry criticism potentially humiliates the team leader and causes emotional discomfort. Supporting this sentiment, Wu et al. (2020) acknowledge that workplace bullying involves direct verbal attacks in the workplace with the aim of intentional humiliation or belittling of employees, thus causing them psychological discomfort. Regarding legal implications, the team leader is capable of acquiring legal assistance from different organizations such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which upholds anti-bullying practices and investigates discriminatory actions in workplaces. Therefore, as the HR director, there is a need to implement urgent intervention to avoid the legal consequences of bullying. A notable ethical implication involves non-maleficence which is inherent within professional standards. Consistent with this ethical implication, Rogers and Schill (2021) posit that within the construct of non-maleficence, organizational leaders have a responsibility to protect employees from the risk of harm. Therefore, the manager had an ethical obligation to protect the team leader from the risk of emotional harm, which would occur due to berating the team leader in front of other team members. The Civil Rights Act is the law that makes bullying illegal because according to Togioka et al. (2021), section VII prohibits discrimination and bullying in workplace settings. Overall, integrating ethical leadership is important for promoting anti-bullying. I feel that alleviating bullying should be one of the central objectives of an organization because workplace bullying encourages increased turnover rate, and mental health problems, and decreases work productivity. My response to both parties would involve their urgent need to redesign the bullying organizational culture towards fostering collegiality and a bullying-free workplace. To the company, I would respond by incorporating a no-tolerance policy to bullying, and encouraging team building sessions, which according to Smith et al. (2020) suppresses workplace bullying. Conclusively, developing a positive work culture that is characterized by effective communication am...
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