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Chick-fil-A Company Analysis (Essay Sample)

You will select an organization to analyze using the conceptual tools provided in this course. Question 1: Describe your chosen organization paying specific attention to (a) its value proposition- how customers define excellence when it comes to your offering (b) how the firm is currently organized to deliver that excellence paying attention to its culture and covering aspects such as how the teams are organized, how organization is structured, how performance is measured and incentivized, and the leadership/management styles? While conducting your analysis, think and describe the key managerial commitments that have shaped your chosen organization both internally and externally. Question 2: Drawing upon the lessons from the course, outline the recommendations you would like to make to the board of your chosen organization to (a) strengthen excellence in your value proposition in both home and/or global markets and (b) organize your firm better to deliver that excellence (i.e. culture, team and organization structure, leadership/management you covered in the first question). While making your recommendations, clearly outline which area would you like to maintain as it is and which one’s require fundamental changes and point out briefly how you would launch any change initiative source..
Chick-fil-A Company Analysis Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor’s Name Due Date Chick-fil-A Company Analysis Introduction Continuous improvement remains a critical element in fostering organizational growth in the contemporary business environment. Enhancing business processes helps reduce costs, increase company offering, and augments profitability. It also plays an integral role in aligning firms with consumer trends which boosts reputation. Analyzing a company to identify its strengths and areas that require enhancement is vital to stimulate improvement. This report assesses Chick-fil-A, the third-largest fast-food restaurant chain in the US. The restaurant’s positive brand image, technology adoption, and fast growth over the past decades make it a vital subject of interest. Additionally, it is a dominant player in the fast-food sector and has a rather unconventional organizational structure and culture. This paper highlights Chick-fil-A’s value proposition and its ability to satisfy consumers. In addition, it assesses the ventures formation, including the organizational structure and culture, team management, and performance measurement. Additionally, the report provides insights into the company’s leadership styles and organizational commitments. The paper discusses Chick-fil-A’s internal environment, helping identify its capabilities and weaknesses. It is the foundation for the recommendations highlighted to improve the firm’s value proposition and organizational structure. The organization should consider implementing the highlighted suggestions to enhance its reputation and the ability to optimize employee and client satisfaction.  Question One Value Proposition Chick-fil-A’s core values are subject to the founder, S. Truett Cathy’s, biblical beliefs and philosophies. The company is anchored on a Christian foundation and thus its value proposition entails influencing stakeholders positively. Therefore, the firm strives to offer quality products and services in over 2500 outlets across North America (Feliciano, 2021). Chick-fil-A also ensures that its consumers have a positive experience when purchasing their products online or visiting brick-and-mortar locations. Fast food restaurant customers define excellence as exemplary customer care services and access to quality food at affordable prices. They also hold convenience in high regard, given that many loathe waiting in line. In recent years a restaurant’s ability to protect its employees and customers from exposure to Covid-19 has also emerged as a critical feature of defining excellence (Who We Are, n.d). In addition, corporate social responsibility, including sustainability and philanthropy, are also crucial. Chick-fil-A’s value proposition fulfills these aspects, given that the restaurant’s focus on positively influencing people defines its business processes. The restaurant strives to align its offering to consumer demands and optimize prices, customer services, and corporate responsibility (Nolan et al., 2020). Furthermore, technology adoption helps the organization to reduce waiting times and improve convenience, fostering consumer experiences. Therefore, it is accurate to argue that Chick-fil-A’s value proposition resonates with the consumers’ definition of excellence in fast food restaurants offering.  How Chick-Fil-A Is Organized to Deliver Excellence As mentioned earlier, Chick-fil-A has a unique organizational framework and culture. Its founder built the restaurant on biblical values, and thus, there is a substantial Christian influence within the firm. For example, to give its employees time with family or worship the restaurant’s outlets are closed on Sundays (Slaughter, 2020). Additionally, Chick-fil-A’s formation around the pioneer’s philosophies influences its offering and menu centered on chicken sandwiches. Another crucial element is the organization’s human resource management which augments the company’s focus on customers (Who We Are, n.d). Finally, the firm's values and authenticity are also crucial in defining the firm’s organization to deliver excellence.  Workplace Culture Considered the best organization when it comes to offering excellent customer services in the United States, Chick-fil-A’s organizational culture is exemplary. As mentioned earlier, S. Truett Cathy’s foundational values and philosophy influence the company’s business model. One of the most notable elements is Chick-fil-A’s culture of care. The core beliefs hold that the restaurant’s focus is not in chicken business but providing people-oriented services (Our Culture and Values, n.d). Therefore, the culture of care applies to the employees and customers, ensuring that the restaurant positively influences everyone. In addition, inclusion and diversity are held in high regard within the firm. Everyone is treated with respect, nobility, and dignity to preserve a positive environment and ensure optimal satisfaction in all engagements. Collaboration is also highly encouraged with the company leveraging the ‘we are better together’ philosophy (Nolan et al., 2020). Furthermore, Chick-fil-A’s culture is augmented by the need to align the business processes with the set vision. The organization encourages its employees to be purpose-driven and act as good overseers of the firm’s business goals (Our Culture and Values, n.d). Another notable element of Chick-fil-A’s workplace culture is the focus on adapting and innovating. The organization promotes creativity and continuous improvement to align its objectives and business processes with the contemporary business landscape. Furthermore, Chick-fil-A’s culture of corporate responsibility is central to its brand. The firm gives back to society through grants and donations to local organizations and entities that help fight hunger and homelessness. Closing on the seventh day of the week has also been part of Chick-fil-A’s culture since 1946 (Our Culture and Values, n.d). It gives its employees time to rejuvinate, and therefore, improves productivity.  Team Management Chick-fil-A’s top managers understand that human resource management plays an integral role in optimizing customer services. Satisfied employees are motivated to work hard and own the set company goals. Therefore, the organization values its employees and prides itself in providing a healthy working environment. The restaurant operators take pride in providing an inclusive workplace for the 140,000 workers employed by the restaurant chain (Piepenbring & Brody, 2018). They provide a platform for growth in career development and an increase in skills and knowledge. Furthermore, Chick-fil-A’s operators hold that working for organization goes beyond serving clients in a restaurant. The organization offers an opportunity for leadership development and teamwork in a positive and people-oriented environment. Therefore, team management is central to the restaurant’s excellence, with training and workshops ensuring employees hone their skills and attitudes. In addition, the underlying culture encourages hard work, collaboration, and creativity as pivotal pillars of teamwork within the company. Chick-fil-A’s focus on providing a conducive workplace environment is crucial in building employee loyalty and reducing turnover. For example, more than a third of its employees started as interns (Our Culture and Values, n.d). Many have progressed to become managers, and others own Chick-fil-A’s franchises. It is accurate to posit that the company’s investment in team management is vital in creating a workplace culture that augurs optimal performance and dedication to providing excellent customer services.  Organizational Structure Chick-fil-A’s organizational structure resonates with the company’s focus on maintaining its values and brand image. The framework is instrumental in implementing the founder’s beliefs and ensuring the firm adheres to Christian philosophies. The company has adopted a hierarchical organizational structure crucial in fostering decision-making independence. Furthermore, it maintains power and authority at the top, which is crucial in controlling the underlying culture and values. It is vital to point out that Chick-fil-A is an independently operated organization with franchise operators reporting to the corporate level (Slaughter, 2020). The flat organizational structure also supports departmentalization to foster coordination of roles and responsibilities. The framework is crucial in defining the levels of authority and responsibility to eradicate confusion and duplication of duties. The firm also has a mechanistic organization with clear and strict job descriptions to align with the founder’s philosophy (Haddon, 2022). Therefore, Chick-fil-A’s hierarchical organizational structure resonates with the firm’s values, mission, and objectives. It helps maintain the firm’s authenticity, independence in decision-making, and control of business processes. Performance Measurement Performance measurement is crucial in augmenting business success. It helps firms optimize productivity and continually improve to augment growth in size and profitability. Chick-fil-A’s operators understand the role of performance measurement, and thus, conduct it periodically. It plays an integral role in decision-making processes to help the restaurant realize its goals. As indicated earlier, Chick-fil-A is one of the quickest technology adopters in the fast-food restaurants' industry. The firm uses interactive data visualization technology to collect and analyze data (Nolan et al., 2020). This tool is vital in storing and analyzing data that informs performance measurement. The firm uses the platform to measure customer satisfaction, employee productivity, and revenue generation. Employee performance is assessed by th...
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