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Situational Approaches to Leadership (Essay Sample)

or the Module 2 SLP assignment, you will continue to apply the concepts from the background materials (Holsinger & Carlton, 2018, Chapter 4; Thompson & Glasø, 2018) to your own experiences in the workplace. Think carefully about Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model and the four leadership styles of Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. Then consider the styles of one or more of the supervisors you have worked with, and reflect upon whether or not their style changed depending on the situation. After doing some reflecting on your own experiences, and reviewing the background materials, write a 2 full-page paper (excluding title and references pages) addressing the following issues: Which of these levels best describes the developmental level of your supervisor’s full team? How would you describe the tasks required of your supervisor’s full team? Are they structured or unstructured? Overall, how well does your supervisor’s leadership style match with the developmental level of their team and the characteristics of the team’s tasks? Consider the Situational Leadership model for developmental level and the Path-Goal model for task characteristics in your answer. Conclude with recommendations for how your supervisor could change their leadership style? source..
One Size Does Not Fit All: Situational Approaches To Leadership Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Name Date 1 Which of these levels best describes the developmental level of your supervisor's whole team? My supervisor's team can be described as supporting level. Our supervisor usually provides tools, advice, and other necessities that enable us to complete tasks and projects with little to no supervision over time, fulfilling a supportive leadership role. Like any supportive leadership, we still rely heavily on task delegation. Still, instead of assigning tasks and only caring about the results, you work closely with employees until they are confident enough in the task to complete it on their own. Like any other level of support, our supervisor does not always correlate with the position's seniority or job level (Smith, Minor, & Brasher, 2018). It assumes that different employees, regardless of their expertise, may require additional supervision or assistance until they attain a certain level of independence or comfort. 2 How would you describe the tasks required of your supervisor's whole team? Are they structured or unstructured? I can describe it as a structured task. It is to complete the task; supportive leadership requires a combination of collaboration, project management, and communication tools because it revolves around providing support when or as required. However, the company as a whole is manageable by tools. It is entirely up to the leader to determine which tools to use, whether references are available, and how to provide employees with access. Employees are more likely to find what they need, and supportive leadership is more effective when this strategy is leaner and more direct (Smith, Minor, & Brasher, 2018). 3 Overall, how well does your supervisor's leadership style match with the developmental level of their team and the characteristics of the team's tasks? Consider the Situational Leadership model for the developmental level and the Path-Goal model for task characteristics in your answer. Our supervisor matches the supportive style of leadership in several ways. First, our supervisor is supportive through adequate training and resources. Like any great leader, he helps us do more than just our jobs. We have grown our skills and advanced in our careers with the assistance of his support, who shows us where we can advance. Through his guide, he encourages team members to come up with their ideas and brainstorm rather than imposing solutions. He empowers us as a team to think creatively, develop our confidence, and foster a sense...
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