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Evaluating Managerial and Communication Styles (Essay Sample)

This report analyzes personal managerial skills and conflict resolution strategies using the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument. It reflects on the author's leadership strengths and areas for improvement, aiming to align these with the requirements of a managerial role in their current workplace. source..
Business 324 - Assignment 3: Evaluating Managerial and Communication Styles Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Course Code Date Executive Summary This report delves into a structured evaluation of personal managerial skills and competencies using two renowned assessment tools: the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument. The key purpose is to assess my current leadership skills and areas that require improvement, as they will be necessary for stepping up to the role of team manager in my current work place. The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid has enabled a greater insight into my perceived leadership style by categorizing me into a particular quadrant that reflects my strong and weak points in task and people orientation management. At the same time, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument has helped me to see my preferred conflict resolution strategies, which are consistent with the managerial style I am striving to emulate. Flash results indicate a balanced approach. This indicates an interim fit to the Team Leader role in the Grid. This style is also quite concerned with high productivity and people, an ideal match for the collaborative and effective conflict resolution techniques that were identified through the Thomas-Kilmann approach. The following part of this paper will dig deeper into these results and will provide the detailed plan of how to improve my leadership skills and communication style for better meeting the leadership requirements of the future job. Introduction As I strive to reach the level of the team manager in the organization it is crucial to assess my current managerial style and leadership skills. This paper argues that a comprehensive review of these attributes will clearly identify both strengths and opportunities for development that will support my application for the managerial position. To achieve this, I will utilize two established assessment tools: The Blake Mouton Managerial Grid and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument. The instruments will in essence give a quantitative and qualitative measure to my leadership approach as well as conflict resolution style; thus, forming the basis for targeted developmental strategies. This subsequent review will steer the strategic augmentation of my managerial competencies, thus, harmonizing them with the necessities of a team leader position. Body Managerial Style Identification Having used the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid, my most preferred management style is the “Team Leader,” one that has high concern for both people and productivity and is located in the top right corner of the grid, representing a blend. This mix is aimed at optimizing team performance by ensuring good teamwork as well as high morale. The “Team Leader” approach is defined by an emphasis on task accomplishment and at the same time on the satisfaction and development of team members. This parallel attention is very important in dynamic working environments in which both outcomes and team dynamics are key. My self-evaluation matches with this style since I consider my leadership approach to be integrative, where I intend to inspire team members by recognizing their efforts and using participative decision-making (Todăriţă, 2021). This alignment is in accordance with my view in the power of empowerment and support in creating an efficient team environment where no one is treated as a unique person who is motivated to give his best, unlike other. Conflict Resolution Style Similarly, on the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument, the conflict resolution style that I find myself identifying with is `Collaborating,’ which is characterized by an open and cooperative approach to conflict, finding solutions that satisfy the needs of all the parties involved. It harmonizes perfectly with the managerial style of “Team Leader,” because they both focus on cohesion of the team and its development. Choosing a partnering approach for conflict resolution implies an emphasis on solving problems and partnership. This approach not only solves conflicts but also turns them into valuable, creative and productive chances for the team’s development and innovation. It supports the style of "Team Leader" by making sure that conflicts are addressed in a sense that forges the team spirit stronger and does not allow the disputes to spoil the dynamics or results (Villa & Lugo-Machado, 2022). Analysis of Placement on the Blake Mouton Grid The 5th place which the “Team Leader” style holds on the Blake Mouton Grid is a conscious choice, showing my desire to effectively represent the characteristics of efficient, empathic leadership. This role symbolizes the optimal mix in a management style, which represents the high level of a task and ...
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