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Impact of remote work on employee productivity, wellbeing and team dynamics (Essay Sample)

Impact of remote work on employee productivity, wellbeing and team dynamics Author Institution of affiliation Course Instructor 1 Literature Review 1 Introduction The present business landscape has witnessed a wide adoption of remote work as a consequence of transformative changes in work. While this was unpopular over the past, it is currently driven by the technological advancements and global changes in work culture. Different from the traditional work setup, remote work provides an avenue for employees to perform their job from a location other than their provided central workplace (Yang et al., 2022). The increased adoption of remote work arrangements creates the need for organizations to understand the potential multifaceted impacts on employee productivity, wellbeing and team dynamics. With that said, this literature review is aimed at exploring and critically analyzing existing research to unravel the implications of remote work on the crucial aspects of employee productivity, wellbeing and team dynamics (Barrero et al 2023). To achieve this objective, the review separately discusses the impacts of remote work on each aspect while identifying the positive and negative implications based on available research. With this literature review will offer a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the remote work phenomenon 2 Employee productivity Organization success is often gauged by considering aspects such as employee productivity which generally is the assessment of the efficiency of employees in objective realization. With reference to a workplace environment, employee productivity is usually influenced by the existing working conditions such as work schedules which affect individual performance. For example in the traditional work regiment where employees report to work, employee productivity would be influenced by numerous factors ranging from interpersonal relationships (Hackney et al., 2022). However, there is poised to be certain effects on employee productivity that emanate with the adoption of remote work. Drawing from diverse sources, existing literature presents a nuanced view of how remote work influences productivity. While some studies highlight the potential for increased autonomy and focus, others caution against the challenges of remote supervision and potential distractions. Various research studies on remote work and productivity were published during the COVID19 pandemic. Numerous studies including (Baudot & Kelly, 2020) indicated that employees working remotely exhibited increased productivity which was attributed to flexibility and autonomy in managing their schedules. This assertion was reinforced in another study by (Hunter, 2019) which attributed increased productivity as a result of the removal of commuting constraints which has been linked to improved focus and time utilization. Nonetheless, while these studies point to a positive correlation between remote work and employee productivity, there are similarly other studies with varying assertions. According to a research paper from the Stamford University (Jose et al 2023), remote work negatively affects employee productivity. Accordingly remote work creates challenges in communicating and coordinating, reduces creativity due to multitasking, degrades communication networks and reduces instances of employee connection (Bower, 2023). Additionally, the negative implications of remote work on productivity is illustrated through the implications or self-discipline and self-control. According to research (Jalagat & Jalagat, 2019), many employee would absently engage with their screen while being distracted by their phones during active work hours. 3 Employee wellbeing With employees being the most important resource in the organization, it is imperative that organizations establish the best conditions to promote employee wellbeing. In its entirety, employee wellbeing is concerned with the holistic state of the mental, emotional and physical health and the relation that employees have with their work. Remote work presents some underlying conditions which to some extent influences the psychological and social aspects for employees. More specifically, factors such as work-life balance and mental health under employee wellbeing are affected by the existing work arrangements provided by employers. Research into the impact of remote work on employee wellbeing reveals a complex interplay of factors because it offers flexibility which promotes wellbeing, nonetheless it still poses a risk to mental health due to isolation. Studies conducted on the relationship between improved work-life balance and remote work establish a positive correlation with employee wellbeing. For instance, a survey conducted by (Charalampous et al., 2019) reveals that remote work contributes to reduced stress levels by eliminating the need for daily commuting and fostering a healthier work environment. This is supported in an academic peer-reviewed research which found that remote workers experienced higher meaningfulness, self-actualization, happiness, and commitment than in-person workers (Kortsch et al., 2020). However, there are negative instances which discredit the positive nature of remote work on employee wellbeing. Ideally, there have been concerns raised regarding the effect of remote work on blurring work and personal life boundaries. A study by (Mostafa, 2021) emphasized the risk of overworking as employees struggle to delineate when the workday ends, potentially leading to burnout and decreased overall wellbeing. By critically evaluating these studies, patterns emerge, emphasizing the importance of tailored organizational support to mitigate negative wellbeing outcomes. 4 Team dynamics The realization of organization objectives is often done through the contribution of employees whose efforts are channeled as a group. Therefore team work becomes an imperative aspect bringing to mind the concept of team dynamics. Team dynamics describes the behavioral relationship and interaction between group members to influence productivity. Team dynamics in the context of remote work settings raises critical concerns over aspects such as communication, collaboration and leadership. An overall assessment of literature on the impact of remote work on team dynamics establishes that advancements in virtual collaboration tools have facilitated effective communication and strengthened team bonds. For example, a study conducted by (Coffey & Wolf, 2018)) established that remote work allows organizations to assemble diverse, geographically dispersed teams, promoting a rich exchange of ideas and perspectives. In this regard team dynamics are established to be strengthened especially when employees are remotely engaged in a specific obligation. However, the flip side of the equation illustrates a different assumption on the impact of remote work on team dynamics. For starters, remote work establishes a physical distance between team members which to some extent would negatively affect the team’s dynamics. Challenges in communication and the potential erosion of team cohesion is a notable effect and drawback of remote work. According to (Cekuls, 2020), virtual teams popular in remote work setups face difficulties in establishing and maintaining relationships, potentially impacting team performance and collaboration. 5 Perspectives and gaps in research The overall representation of the research establishes key insights on the impact of remote work on employees. Through the synthesis of the presented literature, it is evident that a complex interplay of factors influencing remote work are in play. While employee productivity benefits from the flexibility of remote work, there similarly exists challenges in maintaining work-life balance and team dynamics. Overall, while the existing research provides valuable insights, there are several gaps that warrant attention. First the expanse of knowledge and research on remote work on employees are not extensively studied as the notion gained significant traction after the COVID19 pandemic (Irawanto et al., 2021). In this regard, limited studies focusing on the long-term effects of sustained remote work on different aspects for employee’s productivity, wellbeing and team dynamics are present. With this implication consensus on the optimal balance between remote and in-person work remains elusive. Additionally, as the remote work landscape evolves, updated research is crucial to address emerging challenges and opportunities 6 Conclusion In conclusion, this literature review has provided a comprehensive exploration of the effects of remote work on employee productivity, wellbeing, and team dynamics. The critical evaluation of the literature across distinct themes has illuminated the multifaceted nature of remote work. The findings underscore the potential benefits of increased autonomy, flexibility, and technological empowerment in enhancing individual productivity. Employee wellbeing emerges as a pivotal concern, with the literature revealing a delicate balance between the advantages of flexible work schedules and the risks associated with social isolation. Team dynamics, crucial for organizational success, face unique challenges in remote settings. While technology facilitates communication, the literature points to persistent challenges in team cohesion. As this review has unfolded, it is evident that gaps persist in our understanding of the long-term effects of sustained remote work on employee wellbeing. In light of the current findings, this literature review serves as a valuable resource for organizations, policymakers, and researchers seeking to navigate the complexities of remote work Reflection on research questions The overarching aim of this research is to deepen our understanding of the effects of remote work on employee productivity, wellbe...
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