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Management and Trade Unions Research Assignment Paper (Essay Sample)


After completing this weeks textbook reading requirement, write a paper in which you describe three pieces of legislation that have been the most critical in defining the rights of management and unions..
In your paper answer the following question:
Why are these three laws important and what role did they play in shaping today's management-union relationship?
This sample is about why the three laws are important, and the role they play in shaping today's management-union relationship.


Management and Trade Unions
As far as rights of unions and management are concerned, there are enacted legislation laws and have been very critical in defining rights of the management. When it comes to shaping the management of today as well as of the relationship of unions, the legislation laws have played a big role. Taft – Hartley Act, Wagner Act and Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) are the three legislation important laws. Therefore, this study discusses the three pieces of legislation and the roles played by the three laws in the shaping today’s management (Miller, 2013).
Taft – Hartley Act
Study shows that this act was brought about by both short – run and long – term causes. Union political influence and rise of business influence that corresponds to the political influence is reflected in the act. The important thing of this act was to balance off Wagner Act’s restrictions. The employers’ restrictions were balanced with those of unions. The legal equilibrium established by Taft – Hartley favored unions less. This is evident in the sense that unions refused this Act and regarded it to be a ‘slave – labor – act’. Secondary boycotts, closed shop and jurisdictional strikes were outlawed by the Taft – Hartley Act. Nevertheless, funds for welfare, political contributions, and negotiated health were curtailed regardless of the emergency disputes. Things were not so good for the union. The union officials were needed to file affidavits that were non – communist. On the other hand, states were needed to enact laws that are to do with working rights. This injunction majorly was reinstated to control boycotts, national emergency walkouts and jurisdictional strikes. Basically, the legal equilibrium created by Taft – Hartley Act did not favor unions (Miller, 2013).
Wagner Act
Unions sought another way to improve through bargaining collectively. They had objectives like the preservation of worth of the accessible benefits, which rising costs erosion was against. They sought to deepen the protection they could get from the existing benefits whereby increase in number of hospitalization days was one of them. They also wanted new benefits to be span. The benefits included; medical care, diagnosis and dental care. The act also pushed for new skills, institutions development and professions to evaluate negotiate and manage the benefits. Then financing benefits were to be shifted from the employee to the employer. The unions have not wasted time to point out the strenuous criticisms as far as excessive cost, delay and legalism were concerned. These issues characterized the process of grievance – arbitration process. Study shows that there could be recognition in the process effectiveness of the common stake. Therefore unions made slight improvement with this Act (Dick & Eleftheriadis, 2015).
Employee Free choice Act (EFCA)
According to study, there were so hard struggle between employees and employers. This labor law intensively determined labor disputes’ outcomes. Further study shows the bargaining power of trade unions is gaining more support. Mr. Robert Taft tactically was in support of the unions and labor forces when he crafted his legislation landmark. It was ideally made to increase the bargaining power of unions and employer and in a way reduce the bargaining power of the legislation (Redman & Wilkinson, 2015).
However, further study shows that unions today are working hard pushing the Employee Free Choice Act. This is because employers have been inquisitive with their constitutional rights as far as organizing workers is concerned. They have been firing those who symphonize with unions. They also have been refusing good faith negotiations after unionization of works. Furthermore they also threaten unionized plants that they could close them. If the unions and employees succeed with this act, it would be much easier for workers to be enlisted by unions because the workers would have formed their unions. The labor unions would also gain in the sense that the law would have provided tougher penalties for those employers who would violate the current laws of labor (Redman & Wilkinson, 2015).
Further study shows that unions have been pushing labor issues for more than a century. However, this contest between the unions and the legislation definitely would have profound effects. Critically, there could be unionization ...
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