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Organizational Behavior - Organizational Behavior Analysis (Essay Sample)

The task was to analyze the organizational behavior of the Office Manager in a logistic company based in Los Angeles. The aim was to describe how various factors such as type of culture, modes of communication, nature of authority, motivational techniques used and areas of emotional quotient embraced by the organization influence its overall behavior. The use of virtual elements within the organization such as teleworking and virtual offices also needed to be discussed. source..
Organizational Behavior - Organizational Behavior Analysis Students Name Course, Department Instruction Instructor Date Organizational Behavior - Organizational Behavior Analysis Introduction The organizational performance of a company is inclined by many factors, including its culture, communication procedures, authority arrangement, motivational techniques, and emotional aptitude. Different types of culture, such as pluralism, dualism, or salad bowl, can impact organizational behavior differently. Additionally, the approaches of communication used in a business, such as written or spoken communication, can impact employee relationships and interactions. Similarly, the nature of authority in an organization can influence the way that employees are motivated or managed. Finally, an organization's embrace of emotional intelligence and its use of virtual elements, such as teleworking and virtual offices, can significantly impact organizational behavior. This paper will examine these factors to understand how they influence corporate behavior by using an example from a Logistic Company in Los Angeles to illustrate how these factors impact organizational behavior. Type of Culture One of the critical factors that can impact organizational behavior is the type of culture embraced by an organization (Brès, Raufflet, & Boghossian, 2018). In particular, pluralism involves valuing differences and encouraging different types of people to work together. In contrast, dualism involves separating people into groups based on perceived differences involving status, power, values, or culture. This can impact organizational behavior in different ways, such as creating a more inclusive and collaborative work environment or leading to employee conflict. Contrastingly, salad bowl culture involves mixing various elements to create a unique and vibrant culture. This involves embracing diversity and encouraging employees to share their different ideas and perspectives. For example, employees are encouraged to share their diverse cultural backgrounds and traditions at a Logistics Company in Los Angeles. This created a more inclusive and collaborative work environment and helped us better understand and serve our diverse customer base. Each type of culture can generally lead to distinct impacts on organizational behavior, ranging from increased collaboration and creativity to more significant conflict and tension among employees (Brès, Raufflet, & Boghossian, 2018). Logistic Company in Los Angeles has embraced a pluralistic culture that encourages employees from different backgrounds and perspectives to work together. This has helped to foster innovation and creativity, as well as more harmonious relationships between employees. Notably, this open and inclusive culture has also helped to attract talented employees from diverse backgrounds. Also, the company has embraced a dualistic culture based on meritocracy and values a transparent chain of command and strict adherence to policies. This creates a more structured and hierarchical work environment and can lead to employee conflict and tension (Brès, Raufflet, & Boghossian, 2018). Modes of Communication Communication is another essential factor that can impact relationships and interactions within an organization (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018). People judge based on our ability to express ourselves clearly during meetings and understand others. Modes of communication in the organization can also significantly impact organizational behavior. In particular, written communication tends to be more formal and structured, while verbal communication can be more flexible and dynamic. Written communication is more effective when communicating complex information or instructions to a large group of employees, while verbal communication is often more effective for building relationships and resolving conflicts (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018). For communication to occur, different people need to understand the language spoken and understood. Also, there must be complete understanding between the receiver and the sender. For example, Logistic Company employees typically use written communication to share important information with their colleagues. Written communication is concrete, evidence-based, and can be used for future reference purposes. Also, it needs to be detailed and accurate for better understanding, ensuring everyone is on the same page and avoiding misunderstandings or confusion. At the same time, verbal communication is often used to build relationships and communicate on a more personal level (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018). For instance, team or project meetings are usually conducted verbally, allowing employees to connect and share ideas more freely. This helps to foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration within the organization. The significant benefits of verbal communication are that it is direct and quick, is conveyed instantly, and is conveyed with the desired pitch and tone (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018). Nature of Authority The nature of authority in a business also plays essential role in influencing organizational behavior (Cheong, 2021). In particular, hierarchical organizations tend to use more traditional forms of authority, such as formal authority, which is granted through a position of power. By contrast, self-organizing organizations tend to rely on more informal types of authority, such as expert authority, which is granted based on expertise and knowledge. Flat organizations typically emphasize shared and delegated forms of power (Baack, 2012). This can have a significant impact on employee motivation as well as the effectiveness of decision-making processes. For example, the Logistic Company in Los Angeles has a relatively flat organizational structure. This means that employees are encouraged to take more initiative and ownership over their work, which often leads to increased motivation and engagement. At the same time, the company strongly emphasizes shared decision-making and collaboration. This ensures that decisions are made quickly and efficiently while encouraging employees to take ownership and feel invested in the organization's success. Authority is an integral part of organizational behavior, as it dictates how employees interact with each other and the organization (Cheong, 2021). In particular, the nature of authority in an organization can influence employee motivation, job satisfaction, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution. This combination of shared authority and flat organizational structure has helped create a highly effective and productive workplace environment. However, many factors can impact organizational behavior, such as culture, mission and vision, leadership style, communication, and authority. The nature of power within an organization is one of the most important (Baack, 2012). This is because authority shapes many aspects of organizational behavior, including employee motivation and work processes. Motivational Techniques When it comes to motivating employees, many several techniques can be used. In general, intrinsic motivators focus on employee interest, engagement, and personal development (Khan, Waqas & Muneer, 2017). Notably, intrinsic motivators often help foster employee creativity and innovation while creating a more positive work environment. These motivators may include opportunities for professional growth, recognition for accomplishments, or opportunities for creativity and innovation. In other words, intrinsic motivation is rewarded by work, such as pleasure and satisfaction. They are the most effective, but they are often overlooked. In contrast, extrinsic motivators focus more on the rewards and incentives offered by an employer. These may include things like financial incentives, bonuses, or promotions. These motivators can be particularly effective for employees who focus more on extrinsic rewards, such as money or status (Khan, Waqas & Muneer, 2017). However, these motivators may also be at odds with intrinsic motivators, such as employee engagement or creativity. Ultimately, the choice of motivational techniques will depend on several factors, including the needs and preferences of individual employees and the nature of the work environment. A logistics company in Los Angeles uses intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to influence employee productivity and performance. Closely, a connection exists between extrinsic incentives and worker performance, impacting the company's overall performance. The company has established various reward and incentive programs to motivate employees and encourage high-performance levels. For example, the company offers a variety of financial incentives, including bonuses and commissions, as well as benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. In addition, the company provides various formal and informal training initiatives to help employees develop their skills and advance in their careers. On the one hand, the company places a strong emphasis on opportunities for professional growth, such as ongoing training and development programs, as well as generous salary increases and bonuses. At the same time, employees are rewarded for good performance through promotions and incentives (Khan, Waqas & Muneer, 2017). Overall, this combination of motivational techniques has helped to create a highly productive and engaging work environment. Areas of EQ Embraced by the Organization Organizations often embrace several areas of emotional intelligence (EQ), including self-awareness, motivation, empathy, and decision-making (Wheeler, 2016). In particular, self-awareness is essential in many organizational processes, enabling employees to effectively understand and manage their emotions. This can help improve corporate communication and collaboration and maintain harmonious work relationships. ...
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