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Success/Failure of a Strategy (Essay Sample)

REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. A. Evaluate what makes a strategy either successful or unsuccessful by doing the following: 1. Discuss how the creation of the vision, mission, and values statements are critical in the formation of the overall strategy. 2. Discuss the importance of leadership team buy-in of the strategy. 3. Discuss the use of at leasttwo analytical tools in performing a situational analysis. 4. Discuss the importance of having the appropriate alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture. a. Discuss the role that this alignment plays in determining the success or failure of the business strategy. B. Perform a SWOT analysis for a company with which you are familiar or where you are presently employed by doing the following: 1. Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company. C. Discuss how the SWOT analysis from part B impacts your company’s strategic decisions. D. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. source..
JRM1 — JRM1 TASK 1STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT — C209 Success/Failure of a Strategy Student Name Institution Course Instructor Date * Success/Failure of a Strategy Discuss how the creation of the vision, mission, and values statements are critical in theformation of the overall strategy The vision, mission, and values statements are the foundation of any successful strategy. The vision statement provides the overall direction for the strategy by outlining the desired future state of the organization. The mission statement then provides the purpose for the strategy and outlines the organization’s core values and goals. Finally, the values statement provides a set of guiding principles for the strategy and helps to ensure that the strategy is in alignment with the organization’s culture, ethics, and beliefs. Together, these three elements form the basis of a successful strategy and help to ensure that the organization is moving in the right direction. The US AirForce’s vision is “to fly, fight and win in air, space and cyberspace.” This vision encapsulates the core purpose of the US AirForce and provides a clear direction for the organization’s overall strategy (Moghal, 2012). The US AirForce’s mission is “to defend the United States and its interests through air and space power.” This mission statement further outlines the core values and goals of the organization and helps ensure that the strategy is in alignment with the organization’s culture and beliefs. The US AirForce’s values are “integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do.” These values help guide the strategy and ensure that the organization is always striving for excellence (US Air Force, 2021). By having a clear vision, mission and set of values, the US AirForce is better able to create a successful strategy that is in line with the organization’s core purpose and values. Discuss the importance of leadership team buy-in of the strategy Leadership buy-in is the support and commitment of the leadership team to the strategy. It is essential that the leadership team is fully committed and invested in the strategy in order for it to be successful. Leadership buy-in is important for several reasons. First, leadership buy-in provides the necessary resources and support to ensure that the strategy is implemented successfully (Rowe et al., 2015). When the leadership team is committed to the strategy, they are more likely to provide the necessary resources and support to ensure that the strategy is implemented properly. This includes providing financial resources, personnel, and other support to ensure that the strategy is implemented effectively. Second, leadership buy-in helps to ensure that the strategy is embraced and implemented throughout the organization. When the leadership team is fully committed to a strategy, they are more likely to promote it and encourage others to adopt it. This helps to ensure that the strategy is implemented successfully throughout the organization, rather than just by a few individuals. Further, leadership buy-in helps to ensure that the strategy is properly monitored and adjusted when necessary. When the leadership team is committed to the strategy, they are more likely to keep an eye on it and make adjustments when necessary. This helps to ensure that the strategy remains effective and relevant. Discuss the use of at least two analytical tools in performing a situational analysis Situational analysis is a process used to identify the internal and external factors that may affect an organization’s strategy. This process involves analyzing the organization’s current situation and environment in order to develop an effective strategy. By conducting a situational analysis, the US AirForce is able to gain a better understanding of its current environment and identify areas where the organization needs to improve its strategy. This helps to ensure that the organization’s strategy is in line with its vision, mission, and values (Lucas, 2021). Two of the best analytical tools in situational analysis are the PEST and SWOT analytical tools. PEST Analysis is a tool used to understand the macro-environmental factors that may affect an organization. It stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological and it looks at the external environment to identify opportunities and threats that may affect the organization. On the other end, SWOT analysis is a tool used to analyze internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. This tool helps to identify internal and external factors that may affect the organization’s strategy (Liu & Lee, 2019). By performing a SWOT analysis, the US AirForce is better able to understand its internal and external environment and identify areas where the organization needs to improve its strategy. Discuss the importance of having the appropriate alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture Having the appropriate alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture is critical to the success of any organization. The strategy must be in line with the organization’s vision, mission, and values in order to ensure that the organization is moving in the right direction. The people must be aligned with the strategy in order to ensure that they are working towards the same goals and objectives. The corporate culture must be aligned with the strategy and the people in order to ensure that all of the stakeholders are working together towards the same goal. By having the appropriate alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture, the US AirForce is better able to achieve its goals and objectives (Hunter, 2020). The importance of having the appropriate alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture include increased efficiency, improved productivity, and better overall performance. By having a clear strategy that is in line with the organization’s vision, mission, and values, the US AirForce is better able to focus its efforts and resources on achieving its goals and objectives. Again, having the right people in place who are aligned with the strategy helps to ensure that the organization is working towards the same goals. Again, by having a corporate culture that is aligned with the strategy and the people, the US AirForce is able to create an environment that is conducive to achieving the organization’s goals. Discuss the role that this alignment plays in determining the success or failure of thebusiness strategy The alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture is essential for the success of the business strategy. The strategy must be in line with the organization’s vision, mission, and values in order to ensure that the organization is moving in the right direction. The people must be aligned with the strategy in order to ensure that they are working towards the same goals and objectives. The corporate culture must be aligned with the strategy and the people in order to ensure that all of the stakeholders are working together towards the same goal (Singh, & Desai, 2012). Without the appropriate alignment, the strategy may not be successful, the people may not be working towards the same goals, and the corporate culture may not be conducive to achieving the organization’s goals. Therefore, the US AirForce must ensure that the alignment between strategy, people, and corporate culture is appropriate in order to ensure the success of its business strategy. B. Perform a SWOT analysis for US Air Force: Analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the company Strengths: The US AirForce has a number of strengths that give it an advantage over its competitors. It has an innovative culture that enables it to quickly learn from mistakes and take corrective actions towards greater success. Secondly, the US AirForce recognizes the need for its Airmen to advance professionally and not just in the line of duty. This helps to ensure that the organization is always striving for excellence and providing the best possible service to its customers. Weaknesses: The US AirForce also has a number of weaknesses that could impede its success. These include obsolescence of material, lack of redundant capability with some delays in communication and notification of issues, and difficulties with space systems. These weaknesses need to be addressed in order for the US AirForce to be successful. Opportunities: The US AirForce also has a number of opportunities that it can take advantage of. These include increasing its innovative strength, introducing Cognitive Processing Therapy to help its Airmen stay free from traumatic stress, and taking advantage of new technologies. By taking advantage of these opportunities, the US AirForce can improve its strategy and better position itself for success. Threats: The US AirForce faces a number of threats both from within and...
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