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Supply Chain System of Dell Inc. (Essay Sample)


Designing a supply chain is critical to a company’s strategic planning journey. Depending on the industry in which a company opts to participate, an entity must map out the system through which they convert raw materials to finished goods that they deliver to the end-users. The supply chain design, if done right, positively affects such aspects as quality, cost, and delivery. Consider the example of Dell Inc, an international entity that designs, creates, and produces personal computers (PCs). Concerning control, Dell would need to take quality control measures to ensure they receive quality inputs from external suppliers to not compromise their products' quality. Moreover, a responsive supply chain system could be designed to enhance customer service outcomes through on-time deliveries and a perfect order ratio. Their supply chain system would need to be responsive in terms of making prompt deliveries for a short time to market and minimizing their lead time which, in turn, cuts back on storage, inventory, and distribution costs.


Supply Chain Management and Logistics
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Supply Chain Management and Logistics
Designing a supply chain is critical to a company’s strategic planning journey. Depending on the industry in which a company opts to participate, an entity must map out the system through which they convert raw materials to finished goods that they deliver to the end-users. The supply chain design, if done right, positively affects such aspects as quality, cost, and delivery. Consider the example of Dell Inc, an international entity that designs, creates, and produces personal computers (PCs). Concerning control, Dell would need to take quality control measures to ensure they receive quality inputs from external suppliers to not compromise their products' quality. Moreover, a responsive supply chain system could be designed to enhance customer service outcomes through on-time deliveries and a perfect order ratio (Samir & Srivastava, 2006, p. 6). Their supply chain system would need to be responsive in terms of making prompt deliveries for a short time to market and minimizing their lead time which, in turn, cuts back on storage, inventory, and distribution costs.
Dell Inc. is primarily a manufacturing entity whose supply chain system would be different from that of a service entity as the latter is more complex. The differences arise under 

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