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TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Management Assignment (Essay Sample)


analysis of transformational leadership style


Transformational leadership style
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Transformational leadership is a style where the leader has a role of increasing the awareness of the follower on what is good, right, and essential. Therefore, followers are more satisfied in this style than any other. Followers are slightly consulted to give their opinions on what and how to do a specific task. However, the team leader has an overall say in making the decisions. This leadership style is not a sign of weakness on the part of the leader; instead, it is a sign of strength in leadership that the employees will respect. Transformational leadership style is often used when there is an understanding between the leader and the follower and frequently applied when the leader has goals that serve not only their interests but also that of the group.
In this leadership style, the leader exhibits charisma and influence and will always excel. Transformational leaders lead as an example, have the determination, and often take risks to demonstrate their dedication (Khan,2016). Transformational leadership style is vital because it builds mutual trust between the team members, thus allows the team leaders to make better and informed decisions. Even if a leader has all the answers and solutions to a particular problem, gaining different diversity and perspectives of opinion allows the leader to be more creative.

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