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Health Care Manager Management Essay Research Paper (Essay Sample)


As a healthcare manager, you are required to evaluate length of stay, volume or census, and payer mix, etc. to assess how well you are meeting the department goals. The dashboard examples provide snapshots of those components for managers to use for daily decision-making purposes. Explain to the Vice President of Operations via email two challenges to, as well as two opportunities to meet, the department's goals based on one of the scenarios you select below.
The Scenario:
*You are the practice administrator of a multi-specialty practice and your dashboard consists of patient cancellation appointments, no-show appointments, patients that arrived for appointments, pending referrals, completed referrals, daily claims submittal, and denial report. Your goal is to ensure patients are consistently coming in to be seen, reminding them of their appointments, verifying patient's referrals are being used, and decrease claims being denied for payment.


Health Care Manager
Health care manager responsibilities include overseeing hospital multiple departmental operations and functions. Coordinating daily activities is dedicated to patient care while implementing innovative strategies for the success and profitability of the facility (Hall, 2013). Otherwise, elusiveness might override patient scheduling and increase unfulfilled openings. Overbookings could lead to practitioner burnouts triggering patient dissatisfaction. For proper evaluation of the patient length of stay, volume, or census, and payer, ethical decision making is necessary (Hall, 2013). In the case scenario, many issues require to focus andhealth care manager supervision for regular performance.

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