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UPS Company and the use of AI Technology to Support CRM Initiatives (Essay Sample)

Instructions Research and present UPS as a company that is making use of AI technology to support CRM initiatives 1- Clearly and logically present which company, what is the strategy, and how the company's use of AI will benefit the customer 2- Your perspective on the challenges of using this technology 3- Any ethical problems e.g. privacy, security, legal, etc. Take a look at the attached articles to get some ideas. Artificial Intelligence LeBlanc, A. (Jan 12, 2015) Artificial Intelligence and the future [Video File] at TEDx Retrieved from Artificial Intelligence and the future | André LeBlanc | TEDxMoncton (Links to an external site.) Horvitz, E. (Feb 19, 2013) Making Friends with Artificial Intelligence [Video File] at TEDx Making Friends With Artificial Intelligence: Eric Horvitz at TEDxAustin Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. (2018). In Global Issues in Context Online Collection. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. Retrieved from;sid=GIC&xid=fb3a929f (Links to an external site.) source..
Human Resources Management (HRM) UPS Company and the use of AI Technology to Support CRM Initiatives Student Name Institutional Affiliations Date Artificial Intelligence has become a key central talk in the tech world influencing operations right from the consumer electronics, business applications and now to customer relationship management. Every couple of months, new AI capability is popping up whipping the tech anticipatory fever into increasing high pitch. CRM companies are incorporating features of machine learning as company emblems acting in boldiness in order to stay ahead of the line in terms of customer expectations. Companies are now enabled to deploy Ai solutions in order to augment efforts towards improving their bottom line. AI is permitting integrated CRM to offer high precision and enhanced predictions in being more customer-centric. UPS is one of those companies which are embracing AI in order to catapult the CRM initiatives (Aili, 2018; Mike, 2018; Tim, 2018). UPS has channeled quite some incentives to incorporate technology so as to drive efficiencies in all areas of its operations. The company is UPS. Ups has got a great like of embracing change and new technology as it arises. The use of Artificial intelligence allows the company to operate its network of global logistics in over 220 territories globally. Annually, UPS invests about $1billion in technology in order to enhance efficiency and customer service so as to support the ever growing consumer demand so as to make delivery of packages as human as possible (Svetlova, 2022). Customer relationship management is a strategy applied by companies like UPS in order to manage their relationships with their clients which is aimed at streamlining processes, building sales, enhancing customer service, and increasing profitability. UPS applies AI to drive its CRM initiatives by using a number of strategies. First, UPS utilizes the AI chatbots which enables the customer to track their packages, to find the rate of shipping costs and also to find UPS location. The Chatbot is able to mimic human conversations and respond to customer queries appropriately and timely. Customers are able to ask the bot questions in text or voice commands via social media or mobile sets and virtual assistants. UPS also uses the UPS My Choice which is an AI enabled service for residential customers to decide when, where and how deliveries are to be done. Through this, customers are able to get timely information on when to expect their deliveries without the provision of a track number(Marr, 2018). Thirdly, there is the ORION proprietary tool which uses advanced algorithms for creating optimal delivery routes as per the data supplied by customers. This facilitates quick delivery and receipt of orders. Further, UPS is using autonomous deliveries and drones. This has come through drone testing for making quick and urgent orders such as medical supplies. This utilization of AI in supporting CRM activities is very important to the UPS customer in that it enhances customer retention and engagement. The AI enabled CRM software helps to create tailor-made experiences which determine the emotional state of mind through text-based and voice-based words, tone and patterns of conversation. The wise-application and utilization of AI is very important and crucial in delivering exceptional CRM initiatives just as in UPS. However, from my own perspective, a number of challenges is associated with AI technology. First, AI is introducing program bias in decision making. This is because AI systems are enabled to learn from the dataset which depends on the compilation which occurred. This may mean that, the management may not make sound decisions due to over-reliance on AI. Definitely, this misinforms CRM initiatives. Secondly, AI lacks transparency on how it combines algorithms whose inordinate complexity cannot be explained by those who creates them (Lu & Mojir, 2021). This leads to algorithms referred to as ‘black box’. This means some of the AI predictions cannot be as accurate. This also sets questions on the future of AI in CRM. Without doubt, AI support is faced with some ethical issues. First, is the issue of privacy breaches by magnifying the ability of using personalized information in ways which can intrude on privacy interests. For instance, the UPS ORION needs the customer to send data on their location to facilitate door deliveries which impinges on privacy. Secondly, in terms of security, the more AI is raising, the more the danger of being used for nefarious reasons (Chatterjee et al., 2019). AI systems can cause damage in case of malicious use. In terms of legal ethical grounds, the question remains, how do we define the rights of robots? There is yet no defined clauses which guard on the rights of these intelligent machines such as robots, drones etc which can be disastrous to humanity yet they could be in...
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