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Abnormal Psych: Myths (Essay Sample)

Although modern medical science has identified the reason for many mental disorders, still many people even in civilized societies have the misconception that these disorders are a curse rather than a disease. Medical science has already proved that changes in some brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin can induce psychological problems such as PTSD, depression, and schizophrenia. Yet, people in some communities treat them as the curse of God or the activities of some supernatural. source..
Abnormal Psych: Myths Author’s Name Department/University Course number Course name Instructor’s Name Abnormal Psych: Myths Although modern medical science has identified the reason for many mental disorders, still many people even in civilized societies have the misconception that these disorders are a curse rather than a disease. Medical science has already proved that changes in some brain chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin can induce psychological problems such as PTSD, depression, and schizophrenia. Yet, people in some communities treat them as the curse of God or the activities of some supernatural. Even though the nature and symptoms of mental disorders have nothing to do with culture, religion, or faith, the treatment of these mental problems differs in different cultures. For example, Christians and Hindus do not have any problem seeking medical help for countering PTSD and depression problems. Their beliefs do not prevent them from seeking medical treatments for these problems. However, Muslims, especially Muslims in some patriarchal or fundamental societies, are reluctant in seeking medical help for PTSD and depression problems. For example, Somalia is a country dominated by a Muslim population. Nearly, all the people in Somalia are Sunni Muslims. Islamic fundamentalism is prevailing in Somalia at present. The influence of religion and faith is seen in all the activities of Somali Muslims. Even when seeking medical help for diseases like PTSD and depression, Somalis have the habit of seeking help from traditional healers. Many Somalis who have no education, believe that the diseases such as PTSD and depression are caused by evil forces or Jinn. Therefore, they believe that religious treatments such as “Hijama” (It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad said, “Indeed the best of remedies you have is hijama(cupping) and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is hijama” to cure these mental problems (Islamic Exorcism, 2015; Perez, 2006). Apart from Somali people, many Muslims staying in highly developed countries seek religious treatments for recovering from mental disorders. Such people should be empowered with the information from research so that they will seek medical help instead of religious help when they experience psychological problems. The services of social service agencies can be sought for this purpose. Modern medical science has identified plenty of reasons as the causes of mental disorders. According to Pietrzak et al. (2009), injuries involving loss of consciousness can induce psychological and emotional problems. As noted by Helterness, (2011), mental problems such as PTSD can be generated because of violent and life-threatening circumstances. Increased use of Khat, marijuana cocaine, and methamphetamine can also cause mental disorders (Kroll et al., 2010). To overcome psychological problems people, need to seek medical help. Medicines and cognitive behavioral therapies such as psychotherapy can be used effectively to cure psychological problems instead of religious treatments. Medicines can control the chemical changes in the brain and help people live in a pleasant mood all the time. On the other hand, treatments such as psychotherapy can help the victims remove the neg...
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