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Development and Social Psychology (Essay Sample)

The social psychologist talks to the community group about intergroup conflicts and anti-social behavior. Anti-social behavior might arise as a result of constant neuromoral dysfunction of the brain. This is also the contribution of abnormality associated with adoption of irresponsible parenting styles in adults and children during their developmental phases. source..
Student name:Student ID:Title of the paper:Course title:Submission date:Course instructor: Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Development and Social Psychology PAGEREF _Toc123898978 \h 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc123898979 \h 1Description PAGEREF _Toc123898980 \h 31.Diana Baumrind’s theory related to parenting style. PAGEREF _Toc123898981 \h 32.Kohlberg’s Theory of moral reasoning. PAGEREF _Toc123898982 \h 4 1. Neuromoral theory of anti-social behavior……………………………………………………...62.Tajfel and Turner’s social identity theory (an extension of Realistic Inter-conflict Theory) PAGEREF _Toc123898983 \h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc123898984 \h 8 Development and Social Psychology Introduction Moral reasoning refers to the study that involves the thinking capabilities of humans that makes them differentiate the right and wrong and the ways in which moral rules and values are applicable in the daily life. Moral reasoning makes people easily understand the difference between right and wrong. Moral reasoning develops as a result of critical thinking. As people tend to age, they undergo transition in their physical and psychological development that occurs generally during from the time of puberty till when they become adult. Adolescence is majorly found to be associated with the teenage but its aspects and expressions may tend to begin at earliest times and may result in late end. As the adolescents believe that they have become independent as they are grown ups now, they also tend to develop other subtle shades of expressions regarding morality and ethical considerations. Adolescents feel free towards the making of their decisions regarding right and wrong. With the passage of time their emotional as well as social and cognitive developments tend to mature and they understand morality in a much better way. They adopt the behavior keeping the values and beliefs in consideration. Moral reasoning and development are associated with the evolution of the guiding principles. This is highly dependent on the ability that how these guiding principles are then implemented later in life. The basic understanding regarding moral reasoning is particularly important during adolescent stage as this is the time of life where important decisions regarding life are made (Lumen Learning, n.d.). The adoption of moral reasoning in the parenting style is necessary from the very much beginning. As the children’s morality serve to cause various social problems in the country in case of any deterioration. Parenting style is defined as a construct involved in psychology that represents the deployment of strategies that are considered as a standard and are used by parents frequently during up-bringing of the children. The adoption of fine parenting style serves as the key factor towards the growth and behavior of their children. Thus, it is necessary for the parents to incorporate moral reasoning during their children upbringing as this will make them turn into a responsible and mentally stable human. This responsibility of instilling moral reasoning in the children lies on parents’ shoulder as the family is particularly the first place which is responsible for teaching them the difference between right and wrong. Not only this, family is also responsible for creating the bond between children and the environment. Parents play the major role in shaping the identity of their children. Due to the basic understanding of moral reasoning, the children become able to shape their norms, attitudes and behavior at home too. Children rely on everything for their parents and the parents prove the first example for them about learning basic life ethics. Parents being the closest person to their child, should not delegate their roles and responsibilities at any cost. They are required to spend time with children at home and keep themselves engaged in their children educational as well as other activities CITATION Tan20 \l 1033 (Tan1, 2020). The parents should focus on adopting such parenting style that aims to reduce anti-social behavior among the youth. The anti social behavior includes the person’s behavior which can prove to be a reason of any distress, harassment or threat to any other person. The example of this may include causing the trouble and threatening the people after drinking or use of drug. The parent should think about adopting the parenting style which should be most appropriate towards the children. In order to cater the developmental needs of children, parents may tend to change the parenting techniques. If the parents are concerned about the wellness of their children, the moral development and reasoning of the children will certainly become better. Moral reasoning and parenting styles serve to contribute towards the antisocial behavior and intergroup conflicts associated with the children. The adoption of a well parenting style serves as basis in building the foundation of a morality and fine character of the children. The antisocial behavior of the child and intergroup conflicts which may arise sometimes due to unyielding nature, are mainly due to negative parenting style consideration by the parents. Intergroup conflicts involve any sort of disagreement among the groups or its members. This mainly occurs in student life, companies, business or in any work organization. Arousal of negative and bad habits may also develop in children due to unending maternal stress as well as the constant violence by the partner. The children that grow in a toxic household mainly grow to be anti-social and are found to become indulged in intergroup conflicts often. Through the conduction of this study, we will be able to build a well-defined perspective in our minds that how much important moral reasoning is and the ways in which it can be adopted and incorporated well in the children mind through adoption of fine parenting styles. This study also explains that moral reasoning is important for the children and it can only be instilled well if the parents are able to provide children with a healthy environment of the home. The children who are brough up in debilitating house environment tend to develop more anti-social and discriminative behavior through their life and it becomes difficult for them to become a better person later on. Thus, through the basic understanding of developmental and social psychology, the guests will be able to learn about the selection of the parenting style that would serve best for them and their children. This will in turn leads to generation of the society that is empathetic and helpful towards one another. Description The theories related to developmental psychology are: 1 Diana Baumrind’s theory related to parenting style. The parenting style adopted by parents is highly responsible for impacting the children success in future. It is also responsible for the children success in romantic, friendships and other relationships. According to Diana’s parenting theory, each preschooler kid was found to have different type of behavior and each type of behavior was due to result of different kinds of parenting. In order to understand about the theories related to parenting styles for the children and adolescents, the basic understanding regarding the types of parenting styles is mandatory (Li, 2022). There are four parenting styles most commonly used from Diana’s perspective. Three of these styles were proposed by Diana while the fourth was devised by Maccoby and Martin. * Authoritative parenting style. * Authoritarian parenting style. * Permissive parenting style. * Neglectful parenting style. Figure 1: Pictorial representation of parenting styles. All of these parenting styles are explained as: * Authoritative parenting. Parents who adopt this kind of parenting style are considered to be supportive and depicts their attention and interest in kids’ activities and work. They don’t ten to overbear and overburden the children and allow them to do some mistakes that will allow them to be constructive. They also know that their parents have reasonable but high expectations from them. They are able to communicate well and are considered more lovey and responsive. The children who are brough up by this are mostly happy and successful. They are able to lead a happy and prosperous life in future. The children are able to differentiate between right and wrong and become more responsible as they reach the period of adolescence. * Authoritarian Parenting. The parents who adopt this style of parenting are responsible for providing low support to their children. They mainly act as rigid ruler and expect obedience from their children as they consider that they are in charge. These parents are also responsible for providing their children a well-structured environment that involves the importance of their rules along with their implementation (Li, 2022). The children who are reared in such environments are however able to do good in life but they have lower level of happiness and lack self-esteem. They turn into adults who are more inclined towards their responsibilities rather than on what that makes them happy. * Permissive parenting. These are the parents that provide high support and demands less from their children. This style is also called the indulgent parenting style. These parents are warm and they do not like to say no to their children. They ensure the use of passive parenting. These parents are considered lenient and they do not expect their children to follow the restrictions and boundaries. Their children Cannot follow rules, lack self-control. They become egocentric as they develop into adults. They tend to face more problems in relationships and exhibit anti-social behavior. * Neglectful parenting. These parents are not involved or concerned with their children’s interests. They are uninvolved in their children life. This may be because The...
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