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The essay reviews conflict psychology, its tools and potential application in a business BECAUSE conflict AFFECTS business performance and interpersonal relations among employees.


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The current essay purposed to review conflict psychology, its tools and potential application in a business. The focus on the practical applications is informed by the beneficial and deleterious effects of conflict on business performance and interpersonal relations among employees ADDIN CSL_CITATION {"citationItems":[{"id":"ITEM-1","itemData":{"DOI":"10.1037/a0035927","ISBN":"1931-390X(Electronic);1931-3896(Print)","ISSN":"1931390X","abstract":"The literature on the effects of cultural diversity on conflict and team performance has been dominated by the information processing and social categorization theories. This article adds to the existing literature by adopting a dynamic constructivist approach detailing the effects of interpersonal conflict on cognition in multicultural environments. The fulcrum of this model is whether the conflict is interpreted as a threat. We describe the relationships between multicultural environments and perceived conflict; perceived conflict and the perception of threat; and the perception of threat on individual creativity via prevention or promotion orientations. Drawing from the dynamic constructivist approach to culture, this model highlights how culture, as shared mental models and shared meanings, may moderate these relationships. Cultural meanings may influence whether a situation is perceived as a conflict, whether conflict is interpreted as a threat, and individuals' tolerance for conflict. This model points out how culture may be used to impact the relationship between multicultural environments and creativity. © 2014 American Psychological Association.","author":[{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Paletz","given":"Susannah B.F.","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Miron-Spektor","given":"Ella","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Lin","given":"Chun Chi","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""}],"container-title":"Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts","id":"ITEM-1","issue":"2","issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]},"page":"237-252","title":"A cultural lens on interpersonal conflict and creativity in multicultural environments","type":"article-journal","volume":"8"},"uris":[""]}],"mendeley":{"formattedCitation":"(Paletz, Miron-Spektor and Lin, 2014)","plainTextFormattedCitation":"(Paletz, Miron-Spektor and Lin, 2014)","previouslyFormattedCitation":"(Paletz, Miron-Spektor and Lin, 2014)"},"properties":{"noteIndex":0},"schema":""}(Paletz, Miron-Spektor and Lin, 2014). The term conflict psychology refers to the employment of psychological theories in resolving disputes in the social and business contexts.
Literature Review
The primary tools for conflict psychology are collaboration, competition, compromise, accommodation, and avoidance ADDIN CSL_CITATION {"citationItems":[{"id":"ITEM-1","itemData":{"DOI":"10.5267/j.msl.2015.4.004","ISSN":"19239335","abstract":"This paper studies the relationship between principals' reward power and their conflict management styles. The five conflict management styles that we use in this study are based on Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and include accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing, and compromising styles. This study can be classified as a regression analysis and is a descriptive study. Our statistical society for this research included all principals of high schools located in the city of Birjand. The results indicated that there was a significant relationship between principal's reward power and accommodating conflict management style. The results also revealed that there was no significant relationship between principals' reward power and the other four conflict management styles.","author":[{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Riasi","given":"Arash","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Asadzadeh","given":"Nasrin","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""}],"container-title":"Management Science Letters","id":"ITEM-1","issue":"6","issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]},"page":"611-618","title":"The relationship between principals’ reward power and their conflict management styles based on Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument","type":"article-journal","volume":"5"},"uris":[""]}],"mendeley":{"formattedCitation":"(Riasi and Asadzadeh, 2015)","plainTextFormattedCitation":"(Riasi and Asadzadeh, 2015)","previouslyFormattedCitation":"(Riasi and Asadzadeh, 2015)"},"properties":{"noteIndex":0},"schema":""}(Riasi and Asadzadeh, 2015). Accommodation and compromise involve sacrificing certain interests, while the absence of cooperation and assertion defines avoidance. Each tool has its merits and limitations. Therefore, each tool's utility should be reinforced by the context, behaviours, and attitudes of the parties. For example, ADDIN CSL_CITATION {"citationItems":[{"id":"ITEM-1","itemData":{"DOI":"10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.08.009","ISBN":"0148-2963","ISSN":"01482963","abstract":"Careers in sales involve stress, which often translates to role stress that negatively impacts performance. To address this important issue, the present research examines an antecedent of stress, salespeople's regulation of emotions and the impact on organizational outcomes. Study findings show that salespeople's regulation of emotions is conducive to reducing interpersonal conflict and felt stress, which eventually leads to higher performance. Also, findings show the favorable effect of salespeople's ability to regulate emotions in reducing felt stress is stronger at higher levels of vertical collectivism. Study results are outlined along with managerial implications, which have especially important implications for organizations operating in emerging countries.","author":[{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Mulki","given":"Jay Prakash","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Jaramillo","given":"Fernando","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Goad","given":"Emily A.","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Pesquera","given":"Martha Rivera","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""}],"container-title":"Journal of Business Research","id":"ITEM-1","issue":"3","issued":{"date-parts":[["2015"]]},"page":"623-630","publisher":"Elsevier Inc.","title":"Regulation of emotions, interpersonal conflict, and job performance for sales people","type":"article-journal","volume":"68"},"uris":[""]}],"mendeley":{"formattedCitation":"(Mulki et al., 2015)","manualFormatting":"Mulki et al. (2015)","plainTextFormattedCitation":"(Mulki et al., 2015)","previouslyFormattedCitation":"(Mulki et al., 2015)"},"properties":{"noteIndex":0},"schema":""}Mulki et al. (2015) observed that relative collectivism diminished work conflict among sales employees. However, the management of conflict in business is compounded by the differences in power structures, emotional intelligence, cultures and belief systems, among other variables ADDIN CSL_CITATION {"citationItems":[{"id":"ITEM-1","itemData":{"DOI":"10.1016/j.jwb.2016.02.001","ISBN":"1090-9516","ISSN":"10909516","abstract":"While previous research has identified cultural values and emotional intelligence as central determinants of conflict handling styles, little is known about the mechanism through which cultural values impact individuals' preferences for specific conflict handling styles. Based on a multinational dataset including 1527 individuals from ten different cultural clusters, the current study aims to integrate these two literature streams by examining the influence of cultural values on conflict handling styles through emotional intelligence. The results of structural equation modeling and mediation analysis show that in particular uncertainty avoidance and long-term orientation influence preferences for the conflict handling styles of compromising, obliging, and integrating through emotional intelligence. Furthermore, we find that collectivism has a direct negative effect on the preference for a dominating style and that power distance has a direct positive effect on the preference for an avoiding and a dominating style. Our study contributes to a more comprehensive and more integrative understanding of earlier research on the role of culture and emotional intelligence in conflict handling.","author":[{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Gunkel","given":"Marjaana","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Schlaegel","given":"Christopher","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""},{"dropping-particle":"","family":"Taras","given":"Vas","non-dropping-particle":"","parse-names":false,"suffix":""}],"container-title":"Journal of World Business","id":"ITEM-1","issue":"4","issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]},"page":"568-585","publisher":"Elsevier Inc.","title":"Cultural values, emotional intelligence, and conflict handling styles: A global study","type":"article-journal","volume":"51"},"uris":["http://ww...

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