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Discussion Post- Erikson's psychosocial stages of development (Essay Sample)

IN THIS ESSAY, I was supposed to Choose one of the stages in early life and associated crisis that occurs within that particular stage in the life course. Describe the impact that could occur if a person does not resolve this crisis. What are the possible implications of an unresolved crisis in this stage for relationships later into childhood, adolescence, and adulthood? source..
Discussion Post Student’s Name Institution Affiliated Instructor Course Date Discussion Post Physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes are essential development elements throughout life. These include the accelerated physical growth of infancy, the cognitive development and socialization of childhood, the identity formation of adolescence, the pursuit of a career and relationships in adulthood, and the reflection and potential health challenges of later life (Baltes, 2019). The lifelong development of an individual is shaped by the unique challenges and opportunities presented at each stage. One of Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages of early life development is the "Trust vs. Mistrust" stage, which typically occurs between infancy and 18 months. During this stage, neonates develop trust in their caregivers based primarily on consistency and dependability. The central conflict of this phase is between trust and mistrust (Maree, 2021). If a person cannot resolve this crisis positively, it can profoundly affect their development. Unresolved crises in the "Trust vs. Mistrust" stage can result in widespread mistrust and insecurity. Children who do not develop a foundational level of trust in their caregivers may become anxious, suspicious, and dubious of themselves and others as adults. Throughout their lives, they may struggle to establish healthy attachments and relationships (Maree, 2021). Unresolved crises at this stage can have repercussions throughout infancy, adolescence, and adulthood. Individuals may have difficulty establishing friendships and gaining the trust of their peers during childhood, leading to social isolation and difficulties (Maree, 2021). They may struggle with identity formation during adolescence, as trust issues can hinder their ability to investigat...
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