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Stress and Coping Reflection Paper (Essay Sample)

The Diathesis-Stressor Model provides a framework for analyzing and understanding my stressor. According to this theory, the onset of mental health issues is a combined outcome of a person's genetic predisposition (diathesis) and their experience of adversity (stressors). Stressors are defined as "events or situations that can trigger or exacerbate psychological distress", whereas diathesis refers to a person's sensitivity or tendency to develop a condition source..
Stress & Coping Reflection Paper Student's Name Department, Institutional Affiliation Course Code: Course Title Professor's Name Due Date Stress and Coping Reflection Paper Stress is a continuous force that remains persistent and unrelenting. I am enrolled in PSY 330, an intermediate statistics course for undergraduate students. This course is demanding and requires a substantial amount of effort. One significant source of stress in my present circumstances is my participation in PSY 330, an intermediate statistics course designed for undergraduate students. This course is renowned for its demanding nature and substantial work. Given its significance in my graduate school quest, I have sought to adopt an unbiased mindset. However, I have apprehensions about comprehending the subject matter and getting a commendable grade. I rank the stress level of being enrolled in this class as 4 on a scale of 0 to 7. By applying Lazarus and Folkman's Transactional Model of stress to my specific circumstances, it becomes evident that the critical factor in deciding whether an individual will feel stress is their behavior toward a stressor. After an incident, the person has a primary assessment, which is the first response to a stressor, when evaluating if the experience is a stressor (Yang et al. (2021, p.10). Regarding my statistics course, my first evaluation included acknowledging my registration in this subject as a possible source of stress. During the next stage of secondary appraisal, people assess whether they have the requisite coping resources to handle the stressor effectively (Knoster, 2020, p. 340). This subsequent evaluation may result in one of two consequences: a perception of threat, where the individual thinks they are insufficiently equipped to handle the situation, resulting in adverse stress, or a perception of non-threat, where the individual feels they possess the necessary resources to manage the situation, leading to beneficial stress. Regarding my stressor, a potentially menacing secondary evaluation may manifest as believing that "Mathematics is arduous, and I will never attain proficiency in it." On the other hand, a secondary evaluation that does not provoke fear may be expressed as follows: "I have concerns that this course will be difficult, but by putting in effort, I can comprehend the content and achieve a satisfactory grade." When managing the challenges of my PSY 330 class, I may use various coping mechanisms and resources to minimize the potential consequences. I have opted for a problem-focused coping method designed to immediately remove or diminish the root cause of my stress(Woo et al. (2023, p.8). Mainly, I plan daily study sessions of 60 minutes to remain up-to-date with the readings and thoroughly examine the subjects covered each week. This method is consistent with a problem-focused technique since it specifically addresses the leading cause of my worry - difficulty comprehending numbers (Knoster et al. (2020, p. 340). By dedicating daily time to acquaint myself with the course subject, I may progressively acquire mastery, reducing the potential stress encountered during tests and evaluations. B...
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