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Broken Window Theory (Essay Sample)

The essay explores the Broken Windows Theory's impact on crime prevention policies. Developed by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling, the theory contends that maintaining law and order deters serious crime, despite ongoing debate. It justifies strategies like broken windows policing and offers insights into the decline in U.S. crime rates. Linked to Disposition, Rational Choice, and Situational Crime Prevention Theories, the essay delves into the theory's themes, as discussed in a podcast, addressing the unconscious influence of environment on behavior and the power of observation. Relevant research extends its applicability to domestic violence and racism, while recommendations focus on refining the theory through additional research, policy testing, and consideration of socioeconomic factors in crime prevention. source..
Broken Window Theory Student’s Name University Course Professor Date Broken Window Theory Introduction The Broken Windows Theory has been the subject of much debate and research over the years. Some researchers have found evidence to support the theory while others have found that it does not hold up to scientific scrutiny. Despite this, the theory remains popular and continues to be used as the basis for a number of crime prevention policies. The Broken Windows Theory is a criminological theory that posits that maintaining and enforcing law and order is essential in preventing more serious crime. The theory was developed by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling in a 1982 article for The Atlantic Monthly (O'Brien et al., 2019). According to the theory, disorder and vandalism create an environment that encourages more serious crime. The theory has been used to justify a number of crime prevention policies, including the broken windows policing strategy. The significance of the Broken Windows Theory is that; * It offers a potential explanation for why crime rates have been declining in the United States in recent decades. * It also provides a possible explanation for the “ceiling effect” that has been observed in some studies of crime rates. Thesis Statement: The Broken Windows Theory is crucial because it offers a possible explanation for why crime rates have been increasing in the United States over the past two decades, and it may help to develop more effective crime prevention policies. Podcast Perspective on Topic In the podcast, Shankar reveals the unconscious patterning of thoughts and behaviors that people have. In the context of Broken Windows, this means that people may act in accordance with the theory without being aware of it (Vedantam, 2022). The significant themes raised in the podcast related to the Broken Windows Theory are; * The idea of the environment influencing behavior * The power of observation. Theoretical Link The Broken Windows Theory is linked to a number of other theories and concepts, including the Disposition Theory, the Rational Choice Theory, and the Situational Crime Prevention Theory. The Disposition Theory suggests that people are more likely to commit crimes if they have the disposition to do so, while the Rational Choice Theory suggests that people commit crimes when the benefits outweigh the costs. The Situational Crime Prevention Theory argues that crime can be prevented by altering the environment in such a way that it makes crime more difficult or less rewarding. Relevant Research on The Topic This research can be linked to other social issues as well (e.g., domestic violence, racism) * Why domestic violence is on the rise (Balsarkar, 2021). * Broken windows theory and racism (Houghton et al., 2021). Recommendations There are a number of ways in which the Broken Windows Theory could be improved. * One way would be to conduct more research ...
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